
The University Imaging Centers (UIC) is open to investigators and projects of members of the University of Minnesota community as well as external researchers.

The rates provided on this page apply to internal University of Minnesota researchers. If you are an external researcher interested in using UIC instruments and services, please submit a request.

For more information on using our facilities and the associated policies, including billing, please read through our policy page.

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Optical Microscopy

Instrument Building UMN Rate Unit
Nikon AX R W/NSPARC* Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $70 Hour
Nikon A1RMP HD* Jackson Hall $65 Hour
Nikon AX R* Jackson Hall $55 Hour
Nikon A1Rsi HD w/SIM* Jackson Hall $55 Hour
Cleared Tissue LightSheet (CTLS)* Jackson Hall $50 Hour
RS-G4 Ribbon Confocal* Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $50 Hour
Leica Stellaris* Wallin Medical Biosciences Building $40 Hour
Nikon AX R* Snyder Hall $40 Hour
Nikon C2+ Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $35 Hour
Olympus FV1000 BX2 Jackson Hall $35 Hour
Leica SP5 MP Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $35 Hour
Nikon A1si Snyder Hall $27.50 Hour
Nikon Ti-E Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $25 Hour
Zeiss Widefield & TIRF Jackson Hall $25 Hour
Nikon 90i Snyder Hall $20 Hour
Nikon AZ100 C1si Snyder Hall $20 Hour
Nikon AZ100M Jackson Hall $20 Hour
Leica LMD 6500 Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $20 Hour

* System qualifies for extended usage discount

Extended usage discounts applies to qualifying instruments on sessions that run for over 5 continuous hours. After 5 hours of continuous usage, the hourly rate is reduced by 50% for the remainder of the session. Discount is applied on a per-user, per session, basis. External users only qualify for the extended use discount on CTLS and RS-G4 imaging involved in tissue clearing and imaging services.

Incucyte & Zeiss Spinning Disk Live Cell

While the extended live cell collection rates apply to the systems below, the UIC also offers several additional systems capable of live cell imaging.

Example Collections: 

  • 1 plate - 72 hour (3 day) experiment:  $120 + $93.50 + $77.00 = $290.5

  • 1 plate - 168 hour (1 week) experiment:  $120 + $93.50 + $77.00 + 60.50 + $44 + $27.50 + $27.50 = $450

Incucyte Rates Zeiss Spinning Disk Confocal Rates*
Hours UMN Daily Rate Hours UMN Daily Rate
24 $120 24 $160
48 $93.50 48 $93.50
72 $77.00 72 $77.00
96 $60.50 96 $60.50
120 $44 120 $44
144 $27.50 144 $27.50
168+ $27.50 168+ $27.50
*Zeiss Spinning Disk Confocal day 1 rates includes a UIC provided Ibidi imaging vessel

Small Animal Imaging

Instrument Building UMN Rate Unit
IVIS Spectrum Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building and Jackson Hall $105 Hour
Vevo F2 Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $45 Hour
Vevo 2100 Jackson Hall $45 Hour
Sofie G8 Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $250 Hour
M5 MRI Jackson Hall $150 Hour

Electron Microscopy

Instrument Building UMN Rate Unit
JEOL 1440 Plus TEM Snyder Hall $125 Hour
Hitachi S3500N SEM Snyder Hall $70 Hour
Microtome Snyder Hall $25 Hour
Sputter Coater Snyder Hall $30 Hour
Critical Point Dryer Snyder Hall $35 Hour


Service UMN Rate Unit
TEM: Sample-to-Plastic (Standard) $600 Run (1-4 Samples)
TEM: Sample-to-Plastic (Particles) $700 Run (1-4 Samples)
TEM: Sample-to-Plastic (Immunochemistry) $525 Run (1-4 Samples)

TEM: Stained Thin Sections

(Price in addition to Sample-to-Plastic)

$40 Sample

TEM: Negative Staining (Includes 30 minutes of imaging)

Additional samples, alternative processing methods, and/or additional scope time will incur additional costs.

$115 Sample
SEM: Sample-to-Coated-Stub (Standard) $600 Run (1-4 Samples)
SEM: Sample-to-Coated-Stub (Particles) $525 Run (1-4 Samples)
Serial Block-Face SEM Sample Preparation $825 Run (1-4 Samples)
SEM: Cut, Dry, Mount, Coat (Small) $75 Stub
SEM: Cut, Dry, Mount, Coat (Large) $125 Stub
Additional Staff Microtomy $95 Hour
Immunogold Cytohistochemistry Technical Time $95 Hour

Tissue Clearing Services

Service UMN Rate Unit
XCLARITY Clearing (1-6 Samples) $925 Run
XCLARITY Clearing + Antibody Labeling (1-6 samples) $1175 Run
PEGASOS Clearing Run Labor (1-6 samples) $450 Run
PEGASOS Clearing Run Reagents (sample size: standard)  $30 Sample
PEGASOS Clearing Run Reagents (sample size: large)  $60 Sample
PEGASOS Clearing + Labeling Run Labor (1-6 Samples) $600 Run
PEGASOS Clearing + Labeling Run Reagents (sample size: standard)  $45 Sample
PEGASOS Clearing + Labeling Run Reagents (sample size: large)  $90 Sample
PEGASOS Validation $275 Sample
SmartBatch+ Endogenous Run Labor (1-12 samples) $275 Run
SmartBatch+ Endogenous Run Reagents (sample size: standard)  $150 Sample
SmartBatch+ Endogenous Run Reagents (sample size: large)  $375 Sample
SmartBatch+ Immunolabeling Run Labor (1-12 samples) $450 Run
SmartBatch+ Immunolabeling Run Reagents (sample size: standard) $230 Sample
SmartBatch+ Immunolabeling Run Reagents (sample size: large) $575 Sample
SmartBatch+ Validation (1-6 Sections) $385 Run
  • Samples that require additional UIC staff assisted preparation and validation may be subject to additional hourly labor fees.
  • The number of samples per run, and reagent costs per sample are dependent on the size of the sample. For more specific pricing information please submit a Tissue Clearing Services request.
    • Sample Size: Standard - Includes samples up to whole mouse brain in size 
    • Sample Size: Large - Includes larger samples, e.g. rat hemi-brain

Spatialomic Services

Service UMN Rate Unit
GeoMx DSP Staining Run $1,225 1-12 Slides
GeoMx DSP Imaging Run $695 1-4 Slides
GeoMx DSP Proteogenomic Run Addon* $285 1-4 Slides
CosMx SMI Staining Run $1,650 2-4 Slides
CosMx SMI Imaging Run** $14.00 Hour
CosMx Post Run Staining $575.00 2-4 Slides
MIBIscope Gold-coated Slides $105 per slide
MIBIscope Staining Run $950 1-12 slides
MIBIscope Imaging*** $70 per hour
Additional Labor $95 Hour
  • *GeoMx DSP Proteogenomic Run Addon price is in addition to the staining run costs
  • **CosMx SMI imaging durations are measured in days. Average runs are 5-7 days (120-168 hours)
  • *** MIBI imaging durations average 10-25 hours for coarse and fine resolution collections. 50+ hours for super fine resolution

Biomolecular Imaging

Instrument Building UMN Rate Unit
Typhoon Jackson Hall $50 Hour
Amersham 600UV Jackson Hall $50 Hour


Training, Technical Assistance, and Image Analysis

Service UMN Rate Unit
Training (Flat fee for up to 2 users) $250 / Instrument Session
Technical Assistance & staff performed Image Analysis $95 Hour


Slide Scanning

Service UMN Rate Unit
Brightfield Slide Scanning (1" x 3") $25 Slide
Brightfield Slide Scanning (2" x 3") $45 Slide
RNAscope and Widefield Fluorescence Slide Scanning (1" x 3") Hourly instrument time + tech time*

*Due to varying magnification, regions of interest, and overall scan time, RNAscope and Widefield Fluorescence slide scanning costs are determined by the hourly rate of the instrument and technician time.

Poster Printing

Service UMN Rate Unit
Poster Printing (Standard Paper) $7.95 Sq. Ft.
Poster Printing (Water Resistant Poly Cloth) $9.95 Sq. Ft.
Poster Rush Services See turnaround information

Sample Preparation

Instrument Building UMN Rate Unit
PELCO easiSlicer Vibratome Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $15 Hour
Pella Biowave Pro Microwave Processor Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building $15 Hour
Leica CM1800 Cryostat Snyder Hall No Charge