Requesting Training and Services

If you are interested in gaining access to UIC resources or requesting services please follow the steps on our training and service request page.

Looking for live cell imaging? The University Imaging Centers has multiple solutions!

Many of our microscopes are equipped with temperature, humidity, and gas controls ideal for live cell or live tissue slice imaging.

Zeiss Spinning Disk Live Cell Imaging Service

The UIC is excited to announce a live cell service built around the UIC Jackson Hall’s Zeiss spinning disk confocal microscope. 


This automated workflow takes advantage of prebuilt configurations and UIC-provided Ibidi vessels to streamline the setup and collection of time-lapse live cell studies. Researchers interested in checking out this new service will go through a brief training session on how to set up runs before being granted access to independently running experiments. Once your collection is complete, UIC staff are available to support users on image analysis.


If you are interested in training please submit a training request on the UIC training and service request page. If you have any questions about the new service please send us a message at [email protected].


Ibidi Vessel list 


  1. Micro-Dish 35 mm, high - 81156
  2. Micro-Slide 8 Well - 80826
  3. Micro-Slide 4 Well - 80426
  4. Micro-Plate 96 Well Black - 89626

Live Cell System Spec Highlights


  • 24 hour (or longer!) experiments are now available in exceptional confocal clarity with the Definite Focus system
  • Full environmental chamber for temperature, humidity and CO2 control.  All of it set up and running, no need to prewarm the chamber.
  • Up to three fluorescence channels (405/488/561 nm lasers) plus DIC images collected in a single experiment
  • Objectives: 10, 20, 40X (dry)
  • Special instructions needed for 63X (oil or water) and 100X (oil)
  • Image analysis training and support by UIC staff

Live Cell Imaging Systems


Nikon Ti-E

UIC Location: Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building (CCRB)

More info


Nikon AX R

UIC Location: Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building (CCRB)

More Info


Leica Stellaris 8

UIC Location: Wallin Medial Biosciences Building (WMBB)

More info


Sartorius Incucyte SX5

UIC Location: Jackson Hall (JH)

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Zeiss Spinning Disk

UIC Location: Jackson Hall (JH)

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Zeiss Widefield and TIRF Microscope

UIC Location: Jackson Hall (JH)

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Nikon A1RHD Multiphoton Microscope

UIC Location: Jackson Hall (JH)

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