Electron Microscopes
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Sample Preparation Instruments
In addition to electron microscopes, the UIC also owns a critical point dryer, sputter coater, and ultramicrotome instruments for EM sample preparation. For more information visit our sample preparation and ancillary equipment page.
Snyder Hall
JEOL JEM-1400Plus Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
The JEM-1400Plus features high resolution/high contrast imaging, outstanding S/TEM analytical performance, 3D tomography, and montaging. This compact, easy-to-use TEM is suitable for biological, polymer, and materials science applications.
The JEM-1400Plus is equipped as follows:
• 60-120 kV tungsten filament (supports LaB6 filaments)
• Windows-based graphic user interface
• Motorized stage for sample positioning, including image tiling
• Automated tomography tilt-series acquisition
• Bottom-mounted Advanced Microscopy Techniques XR16 camera.
Hitachi S3500N Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
The Hitachi S3500N Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Quartz PCI digital imaging, Stage with motor driven X & Y axes, Environmental Secondary Electron Detector (ESED), Absorbed Electron EBIC detector, Robinson Backscattered Electron Detector (BSE), standard Secondary Electron Detector (SED), Infrared ChamberScope, Windows NT Operating System, Emitech K-1150 Cryogenic System, with cryo-prep unit, airlock interface to SEM, sputter coater.
Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy (SBF-SEM)
The University Imaging Centers in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic Microscopy and Cell Analysis Core, and the UMN's Research Computing are excited to offer Minnesota researchers access to serial block face electron microscopy and data sharing, thanks to funding from the Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics.
Recent advances in microscopic imaging are bringing game-changing progress toward understanding public health problems such as aging, neurodegenerative disease, cancer, diabetes, kidney and liver disease and developmental disorders. Scientists can examine molecular features and cell- and tissue-specific relationships at high resolution in three-dimensional (3-D) and large overall volumes. This information can be digitally sampled, offering an unparalleled view of macromolecular complexes, cells and tissues of interest.
The award provides electron microscopy instrumentation, cyberinfrastructure and expertise to researchers at Mayo Clinic, the University of Minnesota and the Hormel Institute. This unique microscopy allows investigators to visualize biological structures at high resolution in 3-D space, bridging the gap between super-resolution and multiphoton optical microscopy and standard transmission electron microscopy.
UIC SBF-SEM Sample Preparation
The UIC can prepare the samples and get them into the imaging queue at the Mayo Clinic Microscopy and Cell Analysis Core. We consult with each project, but the general workflow and protocols are available in PDF format below. We provide all reagents and expertise to help towards a successful outcome.