The IncuCyte SX5 is coming to the University Imaging Centers-Jackson Hall

The IncuCyte SX5 from Essen Bioscience enables real-time monitoring of a variety of live cell assays including viability, differentiation, proliferation, migration, invasion, neurite outgrowth and a wide range of phenotypic cell-based assays over the period of hours to multiple weeks. This imaging system automatically acquires and analyzes images of cell cultures while inside an incubator. The stage accommodates up to six multi-well plates at the same time, which are scanned automatically according to the investigator-defined schedule. The IncuCyte is to be installed in a new ThermoFisher 250i cell culture incubator located in 1-157 Jackson Hall and is equipped with 4x/10x/20x objectives and green, orange and NIR fluorescent filters plus phase contrast optics. The list of Essen Bioscience reagents for green/orange/NIR assays can be found here:

In the UIC, IncuCyte SX5 users have access to a fully equipped cell culture facility and refrigerator/freezer storage space. UIC staff will coordinate the users and the images and data can be reviewed and analyzed remotely. While the SX5 is onsite we await delivery and installation of the incubator components targeted for a mid-December delivery. Please contact us at [email protected] to get started with the Incucyte SX5 or any live cell imaging needs.

We are excited to inform you about the upcoming 3rd Virtual Seminar on November 18th, 11am EST “Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis with Incucyte®: Immune Cell Killing and Advanced Cell Models” to learn more about the new advances in live-cell imaging and analysis.
This virtual seminar will focus on breakthrough developments in live-cell imaging and analysis of immune cell assays, including:
  • Kinetic assessment of immune cell mediated killing of adherent and suspension target cells with up to three fluorescent reporters allowing discrimination of effector subpopulations and target cell death 
  • Cell-by-cell classification based on shape, size or fluorescence intensity to quantify dynamic changes within mixed cultures
  • Advanced three-dimensional cell culture models such as spheroids and organoids showing morphological change and growth in long-term cultures without disturbance 
Please register for the seminar at the following link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

We would like to acknowledge Dr. Amy Skubitz for leading the efforts to bring the system to the UIC and receiving funding from the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund, Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry, and Scholarship from the Office of the Vice President for Research, the Medical School/University of Minnesota Foundation, and the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology.