UIC Snyder Hall update 7/16/2021
July 16, 2021
Dear University Imaging Center Users and Colleagues,
Follow up of our June 2 communication concerning potential closure of UIC Snyder Hall lead to discussions with leadership and faculty surrounding the pandemic and other related issues surrounding the Snyder Hall location. We greatly appreciate the help from all involved to move the conversation forward. During the discussions, two key issues were identified.
First, it was agreed that we simply must find a way to keep the UIC available to support and encourage activities that leverage engagement with faculty, enhance the research enterprise and the value-added activities of the UIC and its resources to the St. Paul research community. To that end the OVPR’s office has graciously agreed to contribute critical one-time funds needed to keep the UIC Snyder Hall location open. With that comes a commitment from the UIC improve faculty and researcher engagement for ongoing sustainability and improvement in the capabilities the researchers need. Second, we need to strive for constant and consistent two-way communications.
Everyone involved agrees that we need to work together to build stronger channels for faculty use and input with the UIC, and all shared research facilities, so we can ensure that research needs are being effectively and efficiently met and managed. The UIC pledges to make progress through honest assessments and transparent discussions of resources and needs and are taking steps to do so. Dr. Peter Tiffin has agreed to be a faculty ombudsperson in this regard.
It is important to note that these collaborative efforts are in the spirit of a recent OVPR shared research facility taskforce report intended to evolve the institutional culture advocating for strong shared research facilities.
Thanks again to leadership and faculty for the essential engagement in this process and for the opportunity for the UIC to continue in support of faculty research in its 25-plus year history on the St. Paul campus.
Mark A. Sanders
Program Director, University Imaging Centers