The University of Minnesota's Institute on the Environment (IonE) works to advance climate and sustainability solutions by supporting breakthrough research across disciplines through its Impact Goals grant program. Since launching the grants in 2019, IonE has supported dozens of high-impact projects, distributing more than $2.2 million in funding to 30 projects. This year, the Institute has awarded another $1.9 million to 12 new projects. Among those Impact Goals proposals selected for funding is a project led by Evan Roberts, PhD.

Dr. Roberts is a demographic historian examining shifts in health and mortality from the 1800s through today in Australasia and North America. His current research endeavors aim to link experiences in early life to socio-economic statuses and health conditions in later years. He has extensive experience creating longitudinal data, linking early-twentieth-century records to modern epidemiological surveys and vital records. Dr. Roberts' Impact Goals project focuses on creating a public-use Minnesota Zoning Atlas and increasing the understanding of land-use regulations within the state.

Land-use zoning is vital in shaping where we live and work, influencing transportation methods, and significantly impacting carbon footprints. Yet, comparing and understanding these regulations is complex due to their need for more transparency.

There is a federal push towards developing a National Zoning Atlas to standardize zoning rules nationwide. As part of this initiative, this project works to create a public-use Minnesota Zoning Atlas, improving understanding of land-use regulations within the state. Additionally, the team is set to craft a report pinpointing potential zoning amendments to reduce vehicular use and carbon emissions.

The team is also compiling a detailed guide for municipalities, outlining strategies for promoting adaptive urban infill housing, which is crucial for enabling denser urban environments with lower carbon emissions.  

Read more on the 2024 IonE Impact Goals grant winners!