The Arnold P. Gold Foundation is dedicated to 'Keeping Healthcare Human.' Humanism in healthcare is defined by one's compassion, collaborative spirit, and scientifically excellent care. The organization started the Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) in 2002, which has grown to include more than 35,000 medical students, physicians, and other leaders in 160 chapters housed at medical schools and residency programs across the nation.

Chief Surgery Residents, Drs. Alexa Robbins and Steven Qi were each selected to receive a 2023 Gold Humanism Award in recognition of their exceptional teaching skills and commitment to the compassionate treatment of patients and families, students and colleagues.

The award is granted to six resident physicians. Drs. Robbins and Qi were selected from over 270 nominations.

Dr. Qi received several kudos attributing his personable approach and interactions with medical students that provided an open space for constructive feedback and encouraging statements.

Dr. Robbins was acknowledged most significantly for her phenomenal kindness and care to ensure that medical students had a variety of experiences with numerous attendings and specialties. Dr. Robbins was also highlighted for her ability to guide students through deep and difficult discussions on the heartbreak that sometimes comes with practicing medicine.

Despite their rigorous schedules, Drs. Qi and Robbins made intentional actions each day to sit down and teach new and highly important topics.  

The awardees will be formally honored during a March event.

Congratulations, Drs. Alexa Robbins and Steven Qi