Policies & Procedures
For information about the University of Minnesota policies and resources, visit the University of Minnesota Policy Library. Please also review Medical School forms and templates as well as promotion and tenure resources.
Medical School Policies
- Adjunct Faculty Appointment Policy
- Appointing Faculty as Instructors Policy
- Appointment Track Transfer Policy
- Community Instructor Appointments Policy
- CV Review for Intended Hire Policy
- Department Switch Policy
- Diversity Statement and Policy
- Dual Appointments with Departments Policy; (MOU Template)
- Dual Appointments with the VA Policy; (MOU Template)
- Implicit Bias Training for Search Committees
- Minimum Voting Faculty Policy; (Template)
- Nepotism Agreements Policy
- Non-Renewal of Probationary Faculty Policy
- Paid Appointment in OFA Policy
- Phased Retirement Policy; (MOU Template)
- Promotion Increase Policy
- Reports of Suspected Misconduct Policy
Medical School Procedures
- Annual Review of Tenured Faculty and Post-Tenure Review Procedure
- Adjunct Faculty Procedures
- Standardization of Faculty at Affiliate Locations
- Emeriti Faculty Procedure
- Faculty Out-of-State Remote Work Procedure (MOU Template)
- Faculty Spouse/Partner Search Procedure
- Leaves Procedure
- Reports of Suspected Misconduct Procedure
University Compliance Resources
- President's Memo on "Reporting/Compliance Obligations Regarding Foreign Institutions and Scholars"
- Conflict of Interest Program
- International Travel Registry
- Office of Cost Analysis
- Office of the General Counsel
- Research Compliance Office
- Sponsored Financial Reporting
- Sponsored Projects Administration
- Technology Commercialization
- Technology Guidance for International Travel
Board of Regents Policies
- Board of Regents Code of Conduct
- Board of Regents Exceptional No Search Hire Policy
- Board of Regents Faculty Development Leaves Policy - Sabbatical and Single Semester Leave Requests
- Board of Regents Faculty Emeriti
- Board of Regents J-1 Scholars
- Board of Regents Private Practice Policy - Twin Cities Campus
- Board of Regents Private Professional Practice Policy - Duluth Campus
Campus Climate
The University contracts with a vendor that maintains a 24 hour reporting hotline that anyone can call to report known or suspected non-compliance involving the University. This service also maintains a website where employees can report their concerns. Reports may be made anonymously. The University refers to this anonymous reporting system as the UReport.
Any University community member can report a situation or conduct they believe violates a law, regulation or University policy. Examples of issues to report include, but are not limited to, theft; wage, benefit, or hours abuses; discrimination or sexual harassment; misuse of University property or equipment; violation of safety rules; OSHA or environmental abuse concerns; conflicts of interest; NCAA violations; and intentional misuse of the University’s network or computers.
Bias Response and Referral Network
The Bias Response and Referral Network (BRRN), along with other campus partners, works to respond to bias incidents on the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus in ways that support those most impacted, promote education and dialogue, and affirm the University's commitment to equity and diversity, free speech, and academic freedom.
Members of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus community and visitors to campus can report bias incidents to the BRRN by:
- Submitting a report using UReport;
- Calling the BRRN at 612-314-3850;
- Reaching out to a member of the BRRN; or
- Emailing [email protected].
Equal Opportunity and Title XI
The Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office responds to reports of discrimination, sexual misconduct, nepotism, and related retaliation through informal problem-solving or formal investigation. Sexual misconduct includes sexual assault, stalking, relationship violence, and sexual harassment (including harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy-related conditions). Discrimination is prohibited based on race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, familial status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and other protected characteristics. Equal Opportunity & Title IX staff members are available to meet with individuals to discuss processes and receive reports. Reach out to schedule a preliminary meeting to learn more about their processes before deciding if you want to report specific concerns or initiate an investigation. The Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office is not a confidential resource. Once they become aware of information that may violate the University's discrimination, sexual misconduct, nepotism, or retaliation policies, they may have an obligation to take some responsive action to prevent further misconduct from occurring. However, they work with individuals to address concerns in ways that reflect their preferences to the extent possible. For more information about their response processes, please review their Resource Guides.
Office for Equity and Diversity
The Office for Equity and Diversity (OED) reflects the University's view of equity and diversity as critical elements and core values in achieving excellence at a leading research institution. The OED supports the many communities and individuals at the University of Minnesota who may encounter barriers. Access the OED's full equity and diversity vision framework here.
Disability Resource Center
The Disability Resource Center (DRC) works to ensure that all University faculty, staff, and students have access and equal opportunities to enjoy campus life. UReturn, a division of the DRC, serves all University employees with any disability or medical condition requiring accommodations or workstation adjustments.
Office for Conflict Resolution
The Office for Conflict Resolution (OCR) provides both formal and informal conflict resolutions services to non-bargaining University faculty, staff, and students who are experiencing employment-related conflicts. The OCR serves all system campuses and is a neutral, independent office.