Works System for CVs and Faculty Annual Reviews
Works is an online faculty activity reporting system for recording ongoing activities and accomplishments, such as teaching, research, service, awards, and public and international engagement.
The faculty annual review process in the Works system reduces faculty and administrative staff time and effort in documenting, emailing, and collecting individual review forms from faculty members each year. Works is also a useful tool for promotion as it can automatically generate a CV in the Medical School format.
Faculty enter annual activities and respond to questions for their annual review (formerly the “SAFE” form) on a calendar year basis. Works will automatically route the annual review to faculty members, division directors (as applicable) and department heads. If a department has opted into the Works system for faculty annual reviews, the system will launch in Jan.-Feb. each year.
Faculty will have one place to enter this information on an annual basis. Once the annual review has been completed, the forms will be available to department heads and the Office of Faculty Affairs, eliminating the need to collect/share reports manually.
The timeline for submission will depend on departmental annual review processes and schedules.
Faculty Annual Reviews
Faculty annual reviews launch annually in mid-January.
For questions about the faculty annual review process and the Works system, contact the Office of Faculty Affairs at [email protected].
Works Access Request Form for Department Staff Proxy Access (managed by the Works team)
Works Training Resources and Guides
- 1-page job aids for specific topic areas (ie: how to correct and add grant details; how to correctly enter local/regional, national, and international presentations).
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ) sheet.
- Step-by-Step Instruction Guides with Screen Views
- Works Guide for Departments
- Faculty Member
- Division Director
- Committee Chair (for users of workflow C.B)
- Committee Reviewer (for users of workflow C.B)
- Department Head
- New: Job Aids
- Short training videos walking through each step in the system.
- Faculty Member Video Guide (1:50)
- Division Director Video Guide (1:23)
- Committee Chair Video Guide (1:40) (for users of Workflow C.B)
- Committee Reviewer Video Guide (1:38) (for users of Workflow C.B)
- Department Head Video Guide (1:42)
CV Resources
Medical School CV Template
- Medical School CV Template (Required format for CVs; template includes detailed information and examples)
Works CV Resources
Downloading Medical School CV in Works
- Click “Rapid Reports”
- Select “CV - Health Sciences (incl. Medical School)”
- For the start date, select the earliest year (1925). For the end date, select the latest year (2025).
- Click “Run Report”
The Works team offers many additional training sessions and materials.