
Think-Pair-Share is an evidence-based teaching technique that helps students consolidate information and demonstrate understanding. This is a whole-class exercise that can be completed quickly.
Why It Works
- All students have to attempt to answer the question on their own
- Having to explain their answer to someone else can reveal flaws in students’ thinking
- Students may be more comfortable answering a question after they’ve had a chance to discuss it with their neighbor
1. Pose a higher order thinking question to your students (e.g. application, analysis, evaluation, synthesis, etc)
2. Give them a minute to think and compose their answers individually (THINK)
3. Ask them to turn to the person next to them and discuss their answers (PAIR)
4. Elicit answers from a few pairs, have students answer on a google doc, etc (SHARE)
5. Follow-up by clearing up any misconceptions
Video Exemplars
Think Pair Share: Introduction and demonstation of the effective use of this active learning method (6:20 minutes)
Research Evidence
Content Description: This article demonstrates that peer discussion in class enhances understanding of course concepts, even when neither of the students knows the correct answer to the question.
- Wolff, M., Wagner, M. J., Poznanski, S., Schiller, J., Santen, S. (2015). Not Another Boring Lecture: Engaging Learners With Active Learning Techniques. The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 48(1), 85-93.
Content Description: This article demonstrates that peer discussion in class enhances understanding of course concepts, even when neither of the students knows the correct answer to the question.
Smith, M. K., Wood, W. B., Adams, W. K. Wieman, C., Knight, J.K. Guild, Su, T.T. (2009). Why peer performance improves student performance on in-class concept questions. Science, 232, 122-124