Tenure-Track, Tenure, and Academic Track

Dossiers for the 2025-2026 review period will be due on September 15, 2025. The Office of Faculty Affairs will be in touch with departments with instructions on how to submit promotion dossiers. 

Tenure in the Medical School is granted in accordance with:

7.12 Statement & Academic Track Statement

Updated 7.12 Statements
Updated Academic Track Statement
OLD Statements

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Forms and Templates

There is no need to request access to the documents below. These can all be downloaded under 'File' within each document:

Dossier due date and Submission to OFA

Promotion dossiers are due on Sep. 15 of every year. If the 15th lands on a weekend, the due date would then be Sep. 16 or Sep. 17 (that Monday). The Office of Faculty Affairs will be in touch with departments directly with instructions on how to submit promotion dossiers. 

Adjunct Faculty Promotions

Adjunct faculty promotion packets are due Sep. 15 every year alongside all other promotion dossiers within the Medical School. Adjunct promotion packets consist of:

  • CV (any format)
  • Letter from the Department Head stating the reasons why the promotion should be granted.
  • Relevant additional documentation, if available (e.g. teaching evaluations, lectures presented, papers published, service on committees, etc.).
  • Letters of support (Qty: 3) from faculty members in the department or Medical School.

Please refer to the Adjunct Faculty Appointments and Procedures document for additional information.  If there are any questions, please contact [email protected]

Metrics Resources
External Review Resources

Guidance regarding external reviewers:

External reviews play a critical part in the review process for promotion. Please consider the following as reviews are solicited:

  • A minimum of four arms-length letters are to submitted with each promotion dossier. To minimize service expectations for ourselves and our colleagues, please consider how many letters your unit needs to make a reasonable judgment in the review process. In general, including more than seven letters provides little additional value to the process, though there may be circumstances where that is warranted (such as with an interdisciplinary scholar, for example).
  • Include a clear description of the reviewer’s relationship to the candidate.
  • Do not ask external reviewers to compare the candidate to others in the field. Faculty members have different experiences and comparing faculty without knowing of those experiences can lead to an unfair process. Please focus on the individual's accomplishments and contributions to the field as they relate to their track statement.
  • Do not ask reviewers to comment on whether or not the candidate would likely be tenured at their institution, as institutional expectations vary greatly.
  • Do not ask reviewers to comment on teaching unless evidence is provided for them to assess. If teaching evidence is submitted, make sure to include evidence beyond SRTs.
Sample Letters
Peer Review Resources

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