The University of Minnesota Placenta Biology Research Community unites researchers to advance knowledge and improve maternal and fetal health through collaborative inquiry into placental and perinatal biology.
Congratulations to Dr. Bierle and his group on their recent publication: 
Human trophoblast stem cells restrict human cytomegalovirus replication
Tyler B Rollman, Zachary W Berkebile, Hiroaki Okae, Vivian J Bardwell, Micah D Gearhart, Craig J Bierle 

Read the publication here

Highlighted Event

Kaela Varberg, PhD

"Taking cues from the chromatin landscape to identify regulators of trophoblast lineage specification"

Thursday, February 20, 2025
8am via Zoom

Upcoming Talks

February 20th, 2025 
Kaela Varberg, PhD
April 17th, 2025 
Aleks Stanic-Kostic, MD, PhD
May 15th, 2025 
Pippa Kennedy
June 19, 2025  
Katherine Martinez Carmona

Research Resources

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Research Resources

University of Minnesota Obstetric Measures-Gestational Outcomes and Pediatric Health Repository (GOPHER)

This is a biorepository and specimen collection program at the University of Minnesota in 2022 with support from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health, the Department of Pediatrics, and the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. The goal of this repository is to facilitate the systematic collection of maternal, placental, and neonatal specimens to support research efforts throughout the University of Minnesota community. These specimens contribute to ongoing research efforts to investigate how pregnancy impacts maternal and offspring health. All clinical specimens can be linked back to clinical data included within the UMOMs database. In addition to collecting fixed and frozen placental specimens, this repository also collects placentas for trophoblast isolation from healthy and complicated pregnancies. Maternal and cord blood samples available. 

Please reach out to Sarah Wernimont, MD, PhD if questions about using this resource.

University of Minnesota Obstetric Measures (UMOMs) Database

This is a clinical database at the University of Minnesota developed with support from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health to facilitate investigations into how obstetrics care impacts maternal and neonatal outcomes.  This database contains clinical data related to antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum, and neonatal care for over 80,000 pregnant individuals and 110,000 deliveries from 2012-2023 at MHealth-Fairview, an academic-community health care partnership.  The database is updated two times each year. The data is maintained in a secure data environment facilitated by the CTSI Best Practices Integrated Informatics Core and all proposed studies undergo an abbreviated review and approval process.

Please reach out to Sarah Wernimont, MD, PhD if questions about using this resource.


Sarah Wernimont, MD, PhD  
Assistant Professor  
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician

Micah Gearhart, PhD
Assistant Professor 
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Craig Bierle, PhD
Assistant Professor
Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases