Resident & Fellow Research

Residents and Fellows 

Residents and Fellows in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women's Health are encouraged to develop and pursue research areas of interest and relevance with a faculty research mentor. The Fellowship programs both have dedicated blocks of protected research time for further exploration of projects and research interests.

University of Minnesota Medical Students Interested in Research Opportunities

UMN Medical Students who are interested in working with a research project in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s Health please complete this google form. By completing this form and any required training you will be added to the list of available students and will be contacted by Erin Zielinski as projects arise.  For questions please contact Erin Zielinski at [email protected].

In the meantime, it would be a good idea to complete the institution's required research training: 

  • Required for social-behavioral researchers and study personnel: The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) course, "Social/Behavioral or Humanist Research Investigators and Key Personnel -- Basic Course". See the CITI Training Instructions below. This training is required by the IRB. 
  • Required for biomedical principal investigators, researchers, and study personnel: The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) course, "Good Clinical Practice and Human Research Protections for Biomedical Study Teams -- Basic Course." See the CITI Training Instructions below. This training is required by the IRB.  
  • Depending on the type of research, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) training may be required. The training is available for UMN faculty and staff, and UMP employees through the Training Hub. This training is required by the Health Information Privacy and Compliance Office (HIPCO). (Course Number: HIP24)


In compliance with the ACGME, all residents must complete at least one research project during their time in the program. The ultimate goal of this research is to publish or present at a national meeting by the resident's fourth year. Residents are encouraged to speak with their research mentors to begin development of project ideas during their first year in residency. More information on the timeline for research projects can be found in the Residency Research Handbook.


When funds are available, each fellow will be awarded $7,500 towards research activities and travel for the three-year term they are with the Fellowship Program. More information can be found in the Fellowship Program Manuals, or in the Fellow Research Handbook or by contacting Allison Mitchell at [email protected].