Eric Irwin (He/His), MD

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Mailing Address:
1626 London Road #890, Duluth MN 55812
Eric Irwin is a board certified General and Vascular Surgeon with over 25 years of clinical experience in these areas. During this time he also worked as a trauma surgeon at an ACS level I trauma center. He continues to be active in teaching ATLS. He also is involved in regular teaching activities with surgery residents and medical students at the University of Minnesota Department of Surgery.
During the past 22 years he has also worked with biomedical device companies developing therapies to treat cardiovascular and immunologic diseases. In these efforts he has worked in initial proof of concept studies; with R&D teams to develop initial implantable systems and to improve their usability; and with Clinical and Regulatory staff in clinical protocol development and establishing clinical events committees for clinical trials. To support these trials he has also been involved in developing surgical implant procedures and the training programs for surgeons who will implant the systems clinically and in proctoring the surgeons during their initial clinical cases. These programs have resulted in approval of a new dialysis graft, via a 510(k) pathway, while other projects have received CE mark status, in the EU, for two therapies for hypertension that is refractory to medical management and heart failure. The latter system is also FDA approved and is the first FDA approved therapy using neuromodulation as a treatment for heart failure. He is an inventor on over 40 patents and has a number of peer review publications reporting the results of these programs.
More recently he has been worked with teams in the US, UK and the Netherlands, to develop implantable systems for neuromodulation based therapy of immune diseases. The system developed by this program is currently being evaluated in clinical trials under an IDE using the FDA's Early Feasibility Pathway.
Carroll College, BA Biology 1981
University of Washington School of Medicine, MD 1986
1. E. Irwin, E. Braunlin, J. Foker Staged Repair of Interrupted Aorta and Ventricular Septal Defect in Infancy. Ann. Thoracic Surg 52:632-639, 1991
2. J. Abrams, E. Irwin, C. Walvatne, L. Segar, J. Foker and F. Cera. Use of a Modified Van Der Pol's Oscillator to Construct Ventricular Pressure-Volume Relationships. J. Cardiac Anesthesia 7(2):195-199; 1993
3. E. Irwin, R. Bianco, R. Clack, J. Grehan, D. Slovut, R. Nakhleh, R. Bolman and S. Shumway. The Use of Epicardial EKG's for Detecting Cardiac Allograft Rejection" Annals of Thoracic Surgery 54:669-675; 1992
4. E. Irwin, R. Clack, G. Lang, J. St. Cyr, W. Runge, J. Foker, R. Bianco. Long Term Evaluation of Prosthetic Mitral Valves in Sheep. J of Investigative Surgery 1993;6:133-141
5. E. Boyle, E. Irwin, J. Foker: Primary Repair of Ultra Long Gap Esophageal Atresia: Results without a Lengthening Procedure. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 57:576-579; 1994.
6. Everett JE, Irwin E, Jesserun J, Slovut D, Shumway SJ. Noninvasive diagnosis of cardiac allograft refection: the effect of procainamide. J Invest Surg. 1995;8(3):195-201
7. Lohmeier T, Irwin E, Rossing M, Serdar D, Kieval R. Prolonged activation of the baroreflex produces sustained hypotension. Hypertension 2004 Feb;43(2):306-11
8. Lohmeier T., Barrett A., Irwin E. Prolonged Activation of the Baroreflex a Viable Approach for the Treatment of Hypertension. Current Hypertension Reports 2005, 7:193-198.
9. Lohmeier T, Dwyer T, Hildebrandt D, Irwin E, Rossing M, Serdar D, Kieval R. Influence of Prolonged Baroreflex Activation on Arterial Pressure in Angiotensin Hypertension Hypertension 2005 Nov, 46(5):1194-200. Epub 2005 Oct 10
10. Illig K, Levy S, Trachiotis G, Shanley C, Irwin E, Pertile T, Kieval R, Cody R. An implantable carotid sinus stimulator for drug-resistant hypertension: surgical techniques and short-term outcome from the multicenter phase II Rheos feasibility trial. J Vasc Surg 2006 Dec;44(6):1213-1218
11. Tordoir J, Scheffers I, Schmidli J, Savolainen H, Liebeskind U, Hansky B, Herold U, Irwin E, Kroon A, de Leeuw P, Peters TK, Kieval R, Cody R. An Implantable Carotid Sinus Baroreflex Activating System: Surgical Technique and Short-Term Outcome from a Multi-Center Feasibility Trial for the Treatment of Resistant Hypertension. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2007 Jan 13:Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;33:414-421
12. Schmidli J, Savolainen H., Eckstein F., Irwin E et. Al. Acute device-based blood pressure reduction: electrical activation of the carotid baroreflex in patients undergoing elective carotid surgery. Vascular 2007 Mar-Apr;15(2):63-9
13. Lohmeier T, Hildebrandt D, Dwyer T, Barrett A, Irwin E, Rossing M, Kieval R. Renal denervation does not abolish sustained baroreflex-mediated reductions in arterial pressure. Hypertension. 2007 Feb;49(2):373-9
14. Lohmeier T, Dwyer T, Irwin E, Rossing M, Kieval R. Prolonged Activation of the Baroreflex Abolishes Obesity-Induced Hypertension. Hypertension Apr 16 2007;49(2):373-9
15. Zucker IH, Hackley JF, Cornish KG, Hiser BA, Anderson NR, Kieval R, Irwin ED, Serdar DJ, Peuler JD, Rossing MA. Chronic baroreceptor activation enhances survival in dogs with pacing induced heart failure. Hypertension. 2007 Nov;50(5):904-910.
16. Lohmeier TE, Dwyer TM, Irwin ED, Rossing MA, Kieval RS. Prolonged Activation of the Baroreflex Abolishes Obesity-Induced Hypertension. Hypertension 2007 Jun;49(6):1307-14
17. Sheer G, Beal A, Irwin E, Roach R, Dyste G. Acute and critical care management of a pediatric patient with medullo-cerebellar impaling. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience E published June 2009
18. Lohmeier T, Hildebrandt D, Dwyer T, Iliescu R, Irwin E, Cates A, Rossing M. Prolonged Activation of the Baroreflex Decreases Arterial Pressure Even During Chronic Adrenergic Blockade. Hypertension 2009; 53:833-838
19. Georgakopoulos D, Wagner D, Cates AW, Irwin E, Lovett EG. Effects of electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus baroreflex using the Rheos device on ventricular-vascular coupling and myocardial efficiency assessed by pressure-volume relations in non-vagoptomized anesthetized dogs. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2009;2025-2029
20. Sanchez L, Illig K, Levy M, Jaff M, Trachiotis G, Shanley C, Irwin E, Jim J, Rossing M, Kieval R. Implantable carotid sinus stimulator for the treatment of resistant hypertension: local effects on carotid artery morphology. Ann Vasc Surg 2010;24(2):178-184.
21. Byrnes M, Irwin E, Becker L, Thorson M, Beilman G, Horst P, Croston K. A trauma outreach program provided by a level I trauma center is an effective way to initiate peer review at referring hospitals and foster process improvements. J Trauma. 2010 Apr;68(4):778-82
22. Byrnes M, Reicks P, Irwin Early enteral nutrition can be successfully implemented in trauma patients with an ‘open abdomen’. Am J Surg 2010 Mar;199(3):359-62; discussion 363
23. Irwin E, Byrnes M, Schultz S, Chipman J, Beal A, Ahrendt M, Beilman G, Croston JK. A systematic method for follow-up improves removal rates for retrievable inferior vena cava filters in trauma patients. J Trauma 2010 69(4):866-869.
24. Lohmeier T, Iliescu R, Dwyer T, Irwin E, Cates A, Rossing M. Sustained suppression of sympathetic activity and arterial pressure during chronic activation of the carotid baroreflex. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2010;299(2)H402-409
25. Byrnes M, Adegboyega T, Riggle A, Chipman J, Beilman G, Reicks P, Boeser K, Irwin E. Nasal swabs collected routinely to screen for colonization by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in intensive care units are a sensitive screening test for the organism in clinical cultures. Surg Infect (Larchmt) 2010;11(6):511-5
26. Sabbah H, Gupta R, Imai M, Irwin E, Rastogi S, Rossing M, Kieval R. Chronic electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus baroreflex improves left ventricular function and promotes reversal of ventricular remodeling in dogs with advanced heart failure. Circ Heart Fail. 2011:4(1):65-70
27. Reicks P, Thorson M, Irwin E, Byrnes M. Reducing complications in trauma patients: use of a standardized quality improvement approach. J Trauma Nurs. 2010:17(4):185-190
28. Byrnes M, Irwin E, Carlson D, Campeau A, Gipson J, Beal A, Croston J. Repair of high-risk incisional hernias and traumatic abdominal wall defects with porcine mesh. Am Surg 2011;77(2):144-50
29. Sabbah HN, Gupta RC, Imai M, Irwin ED, Rastogi S, Rossing MA, Kieval RS. Chronic Electrical Stimulation of the Carotid Sinus Baroreflex Improves LV Function and Promotes Reversal of Ventricular Remodeling in Dogs with Advanced Heart Failure. Circ Heart Fail. 2011;4;65-70.
30. Chapman S, Irwin E, Beal A, Kulinski N, Guston K, Thorson M. Prothrombin complex concentrate versus standard therapies for INR reversal in trauma patients receiving warfarin Ann Pharmacother 2011:45(7-8):869-875
31. Karunaratne H, Moluk S, Papademetriou V, Park WM, Sample R, Irwin E. Implantation of a carotid barostimulator in patients with pacemakers and hypertension. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2011;34(3):354-6
32. Ilescu R, Irwin ED, Georgakopoulos D, Lohmeier TE. Renal responses to chronic suppression of central sympathetic outflow. Hypertension 2012;60(3):749-756
33. Lohmeier TE, Ilescu R, Liu B, Henegar JR, Maric-bilkan C, Irwin ED. Systemic and renal specific sympathoinhibition in obesity hypertension. Hypertension 2012;59(2):331-338
34. Byrnes MC, Irwin E, Roach R, James M, Horst PK, Reicks P. Therapeutic anticoagulation can be safely accomplished in selected patients with traumatic intracranial hemorrhage. World J Emergency Surg 2012:7(1):25
35. Byrnes MC, Irwin E, Reicks P, Brodsky I. Prospective protocolized study evaluating the effects of antibiotics on sputum culture results in injured patients. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2013 Feb;14(1):24-9
36. Iliescu R, Tudorancea I, Irwin ED, Lohmeier TE. Chronic baroreflex activation restores spontaneous baroreflex control and variability in heart rate in obesity induced mypertension. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2013 Oct; 305(7)H1080-8
37. Irwin ED, Reicks P, Beal A, Byrnes M, Matticks C, Beilman G. A prospective study of the role of sleep related disordered breathing as a risk factor for motor venicle crashes and the development of systemic complications in non-commercial drivers. World J Emerg Surg. 2014;9(1):2
38. Chapman SA, Irwin ED, Abou-Karam NM, Rupnow NM, Hutson KE, Vespa J, Roach RM. Comparison of 3-factor prothrombin complex concentrate and low-dose recombinant factor VIIa for warfarin reversal. World J Emerg Srg 2014;9(1):27
39. Hildebrandt DA, Irwin ED, Cates AW, Lohmeier TE. Regulation of renin secretion and arterial pressure during prolonged baroreflex activation: influence of salt intake. Hypertension 2014 Sept:64(3):604-609
40. Colling KP, Irwin ED, Byrnes MC, Reicks P, Dellich W, Reicks K, Gipson J, Beilman GJ. Computed tomography scans with intravenous contrast: low incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy in blunt trauma patients. J Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2014;77(2):226-230
41. Chapman SA, Irwin ED, Reicks P & Beilman GJ. Non-Weight-Based enoxaparin dosing subtherapeutic in trauma patients. J Surg Res 2016;201(1):181-187
42. Lohmeier TE, Liu B, Hildebrandt DA, Cates AW, Georgakopoulos D, Irwin ED. Global- and Renal-Specific Sympathoinhibition in Aldosterone Hypertension. Hypertension 2015;65(6):1223-1230
43. Lohmeier T, Iliescu R, Tudorancea I, Cazan R, Cates A, Georgakopoulos D, Irwin E. Chronic Interactions between Carotid Baroreceptors and Chemoreceptors in Obesity Hypertension. Hypertension 2016;68(1):227-35.
44. Hildebrandt DA, Irwin ED, Lohmeier TE. Prolonged Baroreflex Activation Abolishes Salt-Induced Hypertension After Reductions in Kidney Mass. Hypertension 2016; 68(6):1400-1406
45. Beal AL, Ahrendt MA, Irwiwn ED, Lyng JW, Turner SV, Beal CA, Byrnes MT, Beilman GA. Prediction of Blunt Traumatic Injuries and Hospital Admission Based on History and Physical Examination. World J Emerg Surg 2016;11(1):46. Doi:10.1186/213017-016-0099-9.
46. Modi S, Deisler R, Gozel k, Reicks P, Irwin E, Brunsvold M Banton K, Beilman GJ. Wells Criteria for DVT is a Reliable Clinical Tool to Assess the Risk of Deep Venous Thrombosis in Trauma Patients. World J. Emerg Surg 2016;Jun 8;11:24. Doi 10.1186/s13017-016-0078
47. Chapman SA, Irwin ED, Thulselle M, Ronk A, Reicks P, Curran B, et. Al. Serum Sodium Response to Hypertonic Saline Infusion Therapy in Traumatic Brain Injury. J Clin Neurosci. 2018;Feb;48:147-152.
48. Bauman BD, Witt JE, Vakayil V, Anwer S, Irwin ED, Kwaan MR, Pruett TL, Harmon JV JR. Cecal volvulus in long-distance runners: a proposed mechanism. Am J Emerg Med 2018;Jul 24.ppi:
49. Brinkman DJ, Troquay S, de Jonge WJ, Irwin ED, Vervoordeldonk MJ, Luyer MDP, Nederend J. Morphometric analysis of the splenic artery using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT). Surg Radiol Anat 2021;43(3):337-384
50. Cleypool C, Lotgeringk B, Lotgeringk Bruinenberg D; Roeling T; Irwin E; Bleys R. Splenic artery loops: Potential splenic plexus stimulation sites for neuroimmunomodulatory based anti-inflammatory therapy? Clinical Anatomy 2021;Apr;34(3):371-380.
51. Bauman B, Kernahan P, Weinhaus A, Walker M, Irwin E, Sundin A, Yerxa D, Vakayil V Harmon J. An Interprofessional Senior Medical Student Preparation Course: Improvement in Knowledge and Self-Confidence Before Entering Surgical Training. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2021;May7;12:441-451.
52. Brinkman DJ, Gupta I, Matteucci PB, Ouchouche S, de Jonge W, Coatney RW, Salem TS, Chew DJ, Irwin E, Nieuwenhuizen GAP, Vervoordeldonk MJ and Luyer MDP. Splenic arterial neurovascular bundle stimulation in esophagetomy: A feasibility and safety prospective cohort study. Front Neurosci 22-December 2022
Peer Review Continuing Medical Education - PRA CME Category I approved:
53. Mechanisms of Trauma. Trauma Update. Volume 4, 2009
54. Pediatric Injuries. Trauma Update. Volume 8 2010
55. Prevention and Treatment of Injuries Associated with Aquatic Recreational Activities. Trauma Update. Volume 10, 2010S
56. Winter Related Injuries. Trauma Update. Volume 12, 2010
57. Primary and Secondary Survey. Pediatric Trauma Update. Volume 1, 2011
58. Hunting Related Injuries. Trauma Update. Volume 15, 2011
59. The Use of Radiographic and Laboratory Studies in the Initial Work-Up of the Pediatric Trauma Patient. Pediatric Trauma Update. Volume 2, 2011
60. Winter Recreational Injuries. Pediatric Trauma Update. Volume 9, 2013
61. A look at Developmental Changes in Organ System Function; Why Children are not Small Adults. Pediatric Trauma Update. Volume 5, 2013
62. Care of the Injured Family. Pediatric Trauma Update. Volume 6, 2013
63. Pediatric Injury Patters – Unintentional Injury. Pediatric Trauma Update. Volume 7, 2013
64. Winter Recreational Injuries. Pediatric Trauma Update. Volume 9, 2013
65. Trauma in the Geriatric Patient. Trauma Update. 2014
As a resident in the Surgery Department he worked in the laboratory of Dr. John Foker in studies that used P31-NMR to study energy metabolism in a model of global myocardial ischemia and in studies, lead by Dr. Sara Shumway, studying changes in EKGs that occur during rejection in cardiac allografts.
Following residency he has published work addressing optimal graft use for surgical lower extremity revascularization and a number of areas in the care of trauma patients while a surgeon at North Memorial Medical Center. He has also worked extensively and is an author on a number of peer review publications that studied the physiologic mechanism of baroreflex activation therapy in normal physiology as well as in models of hypertension and heart failure. This work was followed with participation in studies and publications of this work in European and North American based clinical trials and being an inventor on over 40 patents. Since 2014 most of his time has been spent in studies of splenic nerve stimulation therapy as a treatment for RA and potentially other immunologic disorders. This work has also resulted in being an inventor on Patents and an author in peer review literature reporting the results of this work.
Professional Memberships
General Surgery
General Vascular Surgery
Clinical Summary
Staff Surgeon Department of Veterans Administration Medical Center - Minneapolis, MN 1994-1995
Consulting Surgeon Minneapolis VA - 1995-1998
Staff surgeon and partner General and Vascular Surgery Consultant - Abbott Northwestern
Vice chairman Department of Surgery Abbott Northwestern 2002
Co director of wound clinic Abbott Northwestern 1999-2000
Staff surgeon and associate medical director trauma services North Memorial Medical Center 2002-2014
Medical director Pediatric Trauma Services North Memorial Medical Center 2010-2014
Vascular surgeon - Minneapolis Vascular Physicians 2005-2014
Teaching Summary
During his time as a Vascular Surgeon at the VA and Abbott Northwestern Hospital and a Vascular Surgeon and Trauma Surgeon at North Memorial Medical Center he was actively involved in training surgery residents and medical students. More recently he has continued his involvement teaching in the undergraduate and medical students in the weekly conference lead by Dr. Harmon, and in Anatomy 7800. He is also involved in resident teaching using regularly scheduled exercises that use the model of mock oral examinations as a part of preparation for the general surgery qualifying examination.