Cody Hou

Cody Hou

Name: Cody Hou

Graduating Class: Class of 2024

Undergraduate school attended and major: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; B.S. in Biochemistry

Languages spoken: English, Chinese, German, Japanese

Favorite activities to do in the Twin Cities? Cycling on the Midtown Greenway, eating out on Grand Ave, seeing fall colors along the Mississippi River

Why did you choose the University of Minnesota Medical School and what do you like about it? I chose the U because of its proximity to family and friends, pass-fail curriculum, diverse research opportunities, and flexible schedule for graduation. Having attended school for a year, there are so many supportive physicians who are excited to mentor medical students and work on research projects, and my mentors actively care about my growth and success. Although COVID-19 threw a wrench into our first year, the school still held anatomy labs in person for us (which was not the case at many other medical schools) and held POCC (pre-rotation clerkships) in the spring. I feel that the school strongly cares about the quality of our education.

What would you change (areas of development) about the University of Minnesota Medical School? I think the school is actively trying to address racism in medicine in the wake of George Floyd's murder, but there is still a lot that needs to be done. I feel that our medical school class is not as diverse as the communities we serve (but it has definitely gotten much better in our year!) and that the school could do a better job integrating anti-racism into our curriculum. The administration has been receptive to feedback and overall the school is moving in a positive direction.

What is the relationship between the students and the surrounding community? There are many outlets where students are strengthening their relationships with surrounding communities through service, such as the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic or other volunteer opportunities. The students here are actively trying to regain trust in communities which have experienced systemic racism in the health system.

Have you participated in any student organizations? If so, why did you select those organizations and what has been your experience? I am one of the co-presidents of the Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA). I joined APAMSA because I wanted to engage with students from my community, create a welcoming environment for other AAPI students, and advocate for issues important in the AAPI community. I feel like I can better connect with my identity and why I want to be a physician. I am also the treasurer of the Cardiology Interest Group and a coordinator for the Outdoor Anki Club.

Additional Comments: Feel free to reach me at if you have any questions!