Salary Equity Review Committee
The Medical School Salary Equity Review Committee (SERC) was formed on behalf of the vice provost for faculty and academic affairs. It will examine salary data for paid faculty within basic science departments with ≥ 67 percent full-time equivalent. In addition, the committee will oversee salary equity reviews at the department level. It also performs salary reviews on behalf of individual faculty members appealing departmental and human resources reviews.
To review the SERC charge and responsibilities, visit Medical School Salary Equity Review Committee (SERC))
Salary Equity Appeals
Faculty members requesting a salary appeal should first consult their department head to have their salary examined according to departmental level standards. [See the salary equity appeal flow chart here]. If faculty members are unsatisfied with their departmental review and would like to appeal to the Salary Equity Review Committee, they should submit their information to the Medical School Salary Review form. Please include:
Updated curriculum vitae or resume
Report of faculty activities in the past year (Note: Any format is acceptable. But using a similar template to your department’s annual activity report may be useful to construct this report.)
A written summary detailing the history of your salary equity discussions or reviews
A written rationale detailing why you believe your salary should be adjusted