Marissa Lightbourne, MD, MPH
Hometown: Nassau, Bahamas
Undergraduate school attended: Macalester College
Hobbies: Ballet and Modern, piano, track and field, tennis, obstacle courses
Languages you speak: English
Furthest I've traveled from home: Scotland
Favorite activity in the Twin Cities: Horton Dance and salsa
What is your specialty: Endocrinology/ pediatric endocrinology
Why I chose my specialty: My goal is to help kids with endocrine disorders transition into adulthood. Why endocrinology? I like medicine that involves physiology. When you understand the pathways about how the body functions you can change the course of the disease. This can be as simple as controlling diabetes can decrease heart disease or as complicated as apolipoprotein particles directing the clearance of lipids.
Why Medicine: I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.