Anna Magembe Juern, MD, FAAD

Name: Anna Magembe Juern, MD, FAAD
Hometown: Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, East Africa
Undergraduate school attended: Luther College, Decorah, IA
Hobbies: Dancing, cooking, watching movies/TV
Languages I speak: English and Swahili
Furthest I've traveled from home: To Decorah, IA from Botswana, Southern Africa
Favorite activity in the Twin Cities: Hanging out downtown and uptown when I lived there 2000 to 2007.
What is your specialty: Dermatology, and pediatric dermatology (fellowship trained)
Why I chose my specialty: Growing up in Tanzania and Botswana in Africa, there were no dermatologists that I knew of therefore I was drawn to the subspecialty. After moving to the US, I also realized there is a paucity of dermatologists of color and I wanted to fill that gap.
Why Medicine: I have always wanted to help people in a profound way, and healing/taking care of humankind in the capacity of a physician was the best way to fulfill my dream.