Center Events

Current Events

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CWIMS Gender Equity Journal Club

Our journal club includes a 10 minute presentation of an article on the topic of gender equity in medicine followed by a discussion around the themes of the article. After signing up, you will receive a calendar invite to hold the times. Meetings will be held every other month on Monday afternoons from 4-5pm over zoom. 

2025 Dates: 
February 3, 4:00-5:00pm, 
April 7, 4:00-5:00pm
June 2, 4:00-5:00pm
August 4, 4:00-5:00pm
October 6, 4:00-5:00pm
December 1, 4:00-5:00pm

Sign up HERE to receive a calendar invite and zoom link

Past Events

CWIMS, in collaboration with the Center for the Art of Medicine, is hosting our first ever Story Slam! Join us for an exciting evening of in-person storytelling and fellowship with our medical school community at this event! Our theme for the evening is "Sharing Our Stories: Perspectives on Women in Medicine & Science". Men and gender-diverse individuals are very welcome to attend and encouraged to share their stories as well.

Register here to indicate your attendance. Please RSVP by May 12th, 2024. Want to share your story at the event? Submit your story here by Monday April 29th.

Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Time: 6pm-8pm

Place: Surly Brewing, Scheid Hall, 520 Malcolm St SE, Minneapolis MN 55414

CWIMS is pleased to announce our Mid-Career Summit. This half day event is intended to review and identify solutions to the unique challenges faced by women in academic medicine and science at mid-career. Target audience is Associate Professor or early Professor level faculty within the medical school from basic science or clinical departments from all academic tracks. Faculty of all genders are welcome and encouraged to attend and contribute.

Monday, June 17, 2024

ABC Conference Room, Campus Club

Coffman Memorial Union 12-5pm

Annual Fall Retreats

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Annual Fall Retreats


2023 Fall Retreat

Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023

Time: 12:00pm-5:00pm

Location: Mayo Auditorium (Mayo 4-200)

Topic: Building and Sustaining Science Teams Purposefully 

Note: This will be an in-person presentation


Our keynote presentation, brought by L. Michelle Bennett, PhD., will be focused on the need to design teams with intent and purpose. We will hear about the power of groups that come together to solve complex problems and how the team can excel by working together based off of the team dynamics. Breakout sessions may include topics such as: Developing Trust & Psychological Safety in Science Teams, Shared Team Vision for Research & Relationships, Mindset Matters: Steps You Can Take to Create a Shared Team Mindset, Collaboration Agreement: Developing Expectations with the Team, and Successfully Managing Conflict: Intervene Early, Directly, and Compassionately.

Register here!


12:00-12:20 Arrival and networking

12:20-12:30 CWIMS introduction

12:30-2:00 Keynote speech, followed by questions and discussion

2:00-2:15 Break

2:15-2:45 First breakout session

2:45-3:00 Break

3:00-3:30 Second breakout session

3:30-4:00 Closing and networking




Date: Thursday, September 22
Time: 12:00-4:00pm CDT
Location: Remote (Zoom)
Topic: Building and Leveraging Relationships to Advance Your Career and Wellbeing


Attendees joined us for an interactive retreat and learned how to develop effective relationships for their career and growth. We welcomed keynote presenter Tanya Menon, PhD and had multiple empowerment breakout sessions focused on creating community and fostering career growth opportunities.

This event was open to people of all genders who are University of Minnesota faculty, staff, students, and/or community members.



Photo of woman from the shoulders up, smiling with red lipstick and black hair tucked behind one ear.


Professor of Management and Human Resources
Fisher College of Business
Ohio State University

Tanya Menon, PhD is a Professor at the Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. She is an Associate Editor at the Management Science journal, an award-winning teacher, and she has done keynotes, consulting, and training for organizations all over the world. Her book with Dr. Leigh Thompson is Stop Spending, Start Managing: Strategies to Transform Wasteful Habits (2016, Harvard Business Review Press). Her TED talk has reached over 2.3 million views and was named as one of the top 7 TED talks of 2018 (so far) by, and one the most popular TED talks of 2018.



12:00pm - 12:30pm     Session Introduction and Welcome Address

12:30pm - 2:00pm     Keynote Presentation: Building and Leveraging Relationships to Advance Your Career and Wellbeing by Tanya Menon, PhD


You will learn how to develop your relationships more effectively, both to build your career opportunities and your support network. We'll consider the challenges people experience as they reach out and acquire some insights about your personal approach.

Check out Tanya's TED talk as an introduction to the topics you'll learn about in the session: The secret to great opportunities? The person you haven't met yet.

2:00pm - 2:05pm     Break

2:05pm - 3:30pm     Empowerment Breakout Sessions

A series of breakout sessions meant to build further over key topics presented during the keynote.

3:30pm - 4:00pm     Closing Remarks



2021 Fall Retreat

Date: Thursday, September 23
Time: 1:30-4:00pm CDT
Location: Remote
Topic: Connecting in the Midst of Disillusionment to Lead Towards Empowerment



An afternoon of opportunities for authenticity, connection, empowerment and resource sharing.

This event was open to people of all gender identities who are University of Minnesota faculty, staff, students and/or community members.



1:30pm - 1:45pm    Session Introduction and Welcome Address 
Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT
Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Director, Center for Women in Medicine and Science (CWIMS)
Ana Núñez, MD FACP
Vice Dean, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Professor of Medicine
University of Minnesota School of Medicine
1:45pm - 3:10pm    Connecting in the Midst of Disillusionment to Lead Towards Empowerment
Description: Do you feel it, too? An evolving sense of disillusionment? Are you questioning goals and priorities you have previously taken for granted or assumed to be true? Are the rules changing? As we step further into a shifting social landscape, the Center for Women in Medicine and Science invites you to join together to pause and reflect on how the past 18 months have impacted perception, needs and priorities. This interactive virtual workshop will facilitate "checking-in" with ourselves and one another. What if you are actually the expert in the academic career that works for you?
Facilitated Discussion and Peer-Mentoring Space facilitated by:
Kaz J. Nelson, MD
Vice-Chair of Education, Associate Professor, 
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
*Featuring COVID-19 Health Services Faculty Survey Share-out
Sade Spencer, PhD 
CWIMS Retention and Recruitment Action Group Leader 
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology
Rebekah Pratt, PhD 
CWIMS Retention and Recruitment Action Group Member
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
3:10pm - 3:15pm     Break 
3:15pm - 3:55pm     Empowerment Breakout Sessions
A series of breakout sessions meant to build further connection and empowerment over key topics. Sessions included: 
  • "Continuing the Conversation: “You are actually the expert in the career and life that works for you” (Quote by Dr. Kemi Doll)" facilitated by Dr. Kaz Nelson
  • "Early Pathways to Career Success: Creating Space for Connecting as Early Stage Faculty" facilitated by Dr. Sade Spencer
  • "From Invisible to Invincible: Meeting the Needs of Mid-Career Women in Academic Medicine", a panel discussion facilitated by Drs. Rahel Ghebre and Heather Buum 
  • "Individual-Level-Care and Coping Strategies" facilitated by Dr. Lidia Zylowska
3:55pm - 4:00pm     Closing Session

Note: We encouraged participants to be prepared to share their video and be ready to engage in discussion and connection. 


2020 Fall Retreat

Date: September 24, 2020

Time: 1-3:30pm CST 

Location: Remote


A high-energy, interactive, remote retreat, packed with networking opportunities and training to help you take smart risks consistent with your values. You will walk away with an expanded network, a risk-taking playbook, and tools to help you narrow the divide between where you are and where you want to be.

This event is open to people of all genders who are University of Minnesota faculty, staff, students and/or community members.


1:00pm - 1:15pm    Session Introduction and Welcome Address 
Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT
Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Director, Center for Women in Medicine and Science (CWIMS)

1:15pm - 1:25pm   Welcome Address 

Ana Núňez, MD, FACP
Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
1:25pm - 2:00pm    Breakout Discussions 
Facilitated Discussion and Peer-Mentoring Space focused on key topics 
  1. Could Engagement in Social Media Advance Your Academic and Advocacy Mission?

  2. Finding and Fortifying Collaborations

  3. Identifying New Mentors

  4. Saying “No” as a Strategy for Saying "Yes" to What Counts

  5. Networking for Social Justice: Leveraging Research and Clinical Practice/Partnerships

  6. Transforming into an Anti-racist and Multicultural Organization

  7. Coping with COVID-19 for Faculty

  8. Coping with COVID-19 for Staff

  9. Knowledge is Power: Promotion and Tenure Process

2:00pm - 3:30pm     Art of Risk Taking 
Noter-in-Chief, The Lightning Notes: A short daily post to help us move the world forward.


2019 Fall Retreat

DATE: Thursday, September 26, 2019
TIME: 12:00pm - 3:55pm
LOCATION: Coffman Memorial Union, President's Room 

Agenda at a Glance

Lunch and Networking Event
CWIMS Fall Retreat Welcome Address
Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT
Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Director, Center for Women in Medicine and Science (CWIMS)
Q&A with Jakub Tolar, MD, PHD, Dean of the Medical School and M Physicians Board Chair
Moderator: Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT
Breakout Sessions 
Session A: Enhancing Your Academic Identity and Visibility for Promotion and Tenure and Future Career Opportunities: Promoting Yourself is Good for You and CWIMS!
Presented by: Caitlin Bakker, MLIS, AHIP
Summary: Make your scholarly accomplishments, projects, and hard-won experience pay off for you and your CWIMS colleagues.
- Organize your academic experiences to simplify preparation of CVs, departmental or institutional write-ups and websites, and your dossier for promotion and tenure within the University of Minnesota
- Discover areas for potential future professional development and collaboration
- Showcase your mentorship, service and leadership roles
- Control your academic identity both internally and externally
- Become more visible to the non-academic community
- Find experts for research collaborations, academic initiatives, and mentoring on internal and external leadership roles you are considering
- Help CWIMS develop an “expertise network” among its members
Session B: Lab to Impact: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Context of an Academic Career
Presented by: Carla Pavone, PhD and Mary MacCarthy, MBA
Summary: This session will address how innovation and entrepreneurship can dramatically increase your impact as a researcher, clinician and/or teacher, while also helping to advance an academic career. We’ll talk about the “both-and” approach that characterizes the careers of academics whose research spearheads either innovations licensed to establish companies, or the launch of successful startups. We will share case studies that illustrate the commercialization process, as well as the variety of roles that academics can play. We’ll also review strategic considerations and tactical skills required to develop an innovation out of the lab to patient/social impact. In addition, we’ll discuss commercialization and entrepreneurship resources available at the University of Minnesota, in the region, and from federal grants. Participants will have the opportunity to apply this information to your own work by developing a high-level impact plan for transitioning your innovations out of the lab to the market, as one component of a multifaceted career.
Session C: Building Resilience for Your Academic Career
Presented by: Michelle M. Lamere, MPA, ACC, CDWF
Summary: In this introspective and interactive workshop, we will discuss struggles common in academic careers such as imposter syndrome, burnout, scarcity culture, and balancing the demands of career, family and leadership. We will explore the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects of resilience and examine the role of grit, growth mindset, and self-compassion in building resilience. Participants will create individual resilience plans that will include exercises where they will be called upon to dig deep and share with others.
Session DThe “Future History” of Your Career: Strategic Career Development
Presented by:
Amanda M. Termuhlen MD, Department of Pediatrics, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs,
Sima I. Patel MD, Department of Neurology
Summary: Eleanor Roosevelt once wrote, “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” This implores us to break free of our comfort zones and take risks as a pathway to ultimate growth and personal empowerment. Success in academic medicine often involves making personal and professional decisions that are uncomfortable, particularly for women. Part One of the workshop (30 minutes) will be a facilitated panel discussion with leaders who took risks. Part Two of the workshop (60 minutes) will use an interactive format to have each workshop participant develop a "Future History of My Career" with specific interval strategic goals. Participants will work individually to develop their envisioned “future” followed by a brief didactic on appreciative-inquiry and coaching style questions. Participants will practice those skills by queries of one another using an appreciative inquiry or coaching-style interview in groups of two. Participants will be engaged to discuss the risks involved in achieving their envisioned future and how they strategically plan to mitigate those risks. Participants will then report out on the process for a group reflection and discussion (15 minutes). At the workshop's conclusion, each participant will have developed a concrete vision of their future career, a "take-home" plan of strategic approaches to achieving their vision. Participants will agree to be accountable for that short-term (one year) goal via a brief follow-up.
Closing Address
Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT



2018 Fall Retreat

DATE: Thursday, September 27, 2018
TIME: 8:30am - 4:00pm
INVITED TO ATTEND: Medical School and AHC faculty, medical students, graduate students, and residents

Agenda at a Glance

Welcome and Introduction to CWIMS and Activities for the Day
Dr. Jerica Berge, CWIMS Director, University of Minnesota Presentation Slides
UMN Faculty Survey and Salary and Leadership Equity Report
Dr. Anne Joseph, Women in Leadership Committee Member, University of Minnesota Presentation Slides
Dr. Jill Siegfried, Women in Leadership Committee Member, University of Minnesota Presentation Slides
Mary Heymans and Aaron Starr, Arthur Gallagher & Co. Presentation Slides
Ask For It: How and When to Negotiate Effectively
Dr. Deborah Streeter is the Bruce F. Failing, Sr. Professor of Personal Enterprise and Small Business Management in the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, which is part of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. Dr. Streeter’s teaching and research activities are focused on entrepreneurial marketing and strategy, digital innovation and women in leadership. In partnership with eCornell, she has created a five-course on-line certificate program in Women in Leadership, launched in early 2017 and completed by more than 1,000 participants in its first year. In this program, Dr. Streeter provides women who are in leadership positions guidance on how recognize the way gender dynamics may be impacting their personal and professional growth and development as leaders. Dr. Streeter holds an M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1984) in Agricultural Economics from the University of Wisconsin Madison.
Impostor Phenomenon
Dr. Suzann Lawry is a clinical psychologist, and brings her passion for addressing the Impostor Phenomenon from her current roles as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor, educator, and consultant. She trained with Dr. Pauline Clance who developed the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale that has now been translated across the globe and has spurred research and application in a large range of professions. Dr. Lawry is particularly interested in the intersection of Impostor Phenomenon, Burnout, and Social Justice. She has served as Chair of the Women’s Division of the Georgia Psychological Association where she is a Lifetime Fellow and received the President’s Award for her work on Marriage Equality. She teaches courses on Diversity, Theories of Psychotherapy, and Clinical Skills in the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Georgia State University. She has also maintained a private practice in Atlanta, Georgia for 22 years where she provides therapy for individuals and couples, professional supervision for Post-Docs and other mental health professionals, and consultation to a wide range of organizations and institutions.
Promoting Gender Equity in Academic Medicine
Dr. Vidhya Prakash is an associate professor in the Department of Medicine and a member of the Infectious Diseases faculty at the SIU School of Medicine. Her other roles include Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs and associate program director for the Internal Medicine Residency training program. She co-founded the Department of Medicine’s Women in Medicine Group in 2015. She is also the Director of the SIU Alliance for Women in Medicine and Science (AWIMS). The mission of SIU AWIMS is to provide a supportive forum to promote honest discussion and positive change in the realms of gender equity, career advancement, work-life balance, and community service, and to champion professional development and promotion of women in medicine and science. Dr. Prakash graduated from the Ohio State University in 2000 and from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in 2004. She joined the United States Air Force through the HPSP (Health Professions Scholarship Program) and completed Internal Medicine residency at the San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC) in 2007 followed by Infectious Diseases fellowship training at SAUSHEC in 2009. She served as Infectious Diseases faculty, Chief of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, and Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency training program at the Wright-Patterson Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio before joining the SIU School of Medicine in 2014.
Closing Address
Dr. Jerica Berge, CWIMS Director, University of Minnesota

Annual Spring Workshop

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Annual Spring Workshop


Date: May 19, 2023

Time: 12:00-3:00pm CDT

Location: Remote


Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Do you want to develop a clear and powerful leadership philosophy that will guide you to success? Join the CWIMS Spring Workshop for an inspiring presentation: “On Becoming a Chair: How a Leadership Philosophy Carried Me Across the Finish Line.”

Led by Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, MD, Professor and Distinguished Chair of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, this presentation will delve into her own personal journey and struggles and guide you through the process of crafting your own personal leadership philosophy. You will learn practical tools and strategies to help define your core values, set clear goals, and establish a strong vision for your leadership journey. This presentation is designed for women in medicine and their allies (men are welcome) who want to enhance their leadership skills and ultimately advance their careers.

Keynote Speaker:

Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez MD
Professor and Distinguished Chair of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

TOPIC: On Becoming a Chair: How a Leadership Philosophy Carried Me Across the Finish Line


Date: May 5, 2022

Time: 9:00-12:00pm CDT

Location: Remote


This was an interactive and energizing workshop on the topic of leadership including both a keynote speaker and multiple breakout sessions.

See the inspiring graphic created by live sketch artist Rebecca Moss during the keynote.

Check out the CWIMS Leadership Resource Hub for more.

Keynote Speaker:

Chief Medical Officer, Codman Square Health Center
Vice-Chair of Health Equity, 
Boston University Medical School, Dept. of Family Medicine

Renee Crichlow, MD, FAAFP, is the Chief Medical Officer, CMO, of Codman Square Health Center in Boston, the Vice-chair of Health Equity at the Boston University Department of Family Medicine, has practiced full-spectrum Family Medicine with Obstetrics for more than 20 years, and serves as the Medical Editor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the journal, American Family Physician. President-Elect for the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 2022.

Before this, Dr. Crichlow was at the University of Minnesota as the director of advocacy and policy in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health and the inaugural holder of the Mac Baird Endowed Chair for Family Medicine Advocacy and Policy and President of the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians.

Dr. Crichlow’s Fellowships include a Fellowship in Health Policy through the Dept. of Health and Human Services. She was the National Rural Health Association nominee for the Dept. of Health and Human Services Primary Care Health Policy Fellowship. She then received a second Faculty Development Fellowship from the University of Minnesota in 2010. She has served in numerous leadership positions at local, state, national, and international levels, including health policy development, academic endeavors, and community outreach.

She has lived and practiced in small-town, suburbs, and big cities. In her position on Faculty for UW FM Montana Family Medicine Residency, she lived in a town of 3000 and had practice areas in Billings, MT, and surrounding smaller sites. Dr. Crichlow joined the University of Minnesota Department of Family and Community Medicine in 2009. Dr. Crichlow is the CEO and co-founder of a youth health career mentorship program called The Ladder, engaging learners and physicians at every level. President of the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians 2019-2020. This year she has become the President-Elect of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.



This breakout session panel featured early career women faculty who shared their experiences and insights including challenges and opportunities.

Sade Spencer, PhD



Faculty participated in a discussion on strategies and skills for personal and professional growth in mid-career.



In keeping with this year’s focus on leadership, members of this panel of senior professors and leaders answered questions, offer advice, direction, and unique perspectives as they shared their own experiences carving paths both up the promotion ladder and to leadership in academic medicine.

Ameeta Kelekar, PhD
Anne Joseph, MD, MPH

Deborah Powell, MD
Linda McLoon, PhD
Jean Regal, PhD
Mary Porter, PhD



Increase trust, productivity, and employee engagement using these simple and effective communication tactics.

Sarah Ward, MS


Date: Thursday, May 13th 

Time: 2-4:30pm CST

Location: Remote 

Keynote: Sherlonda Sharp, MS

With 20 years working in higher education, Sherlonda Sharp is "a creative, pragmatic, equity-minded, innovative speaker and facilitator who speaks truth to power and offers creative solutions to organizational and individual challenges".

Presentation Title: Minnesota Not So Nice: Navigating Challenging Personalities

Presentation Description: You've worked hard to get where you are. You've come in early, stayed late, and worked through more lunches than you care to remember. But that's not the hard part; not flipping over the table when that special someone makes yet another snide comment at your expense is the HARDEST of parts.
Here's the bad news: like mosquitoes, bad drivers, and poorly-maintained public bathrooms, difficult people are a reality of life. The badder news: most conventional suggestions DO NOT WORK. During this interactive session, Sherlonda Sharp will share the valuable lessons she learned after a three-year journey through difficult people purgatory and provide attendees with strategies/resources to navigate the challenging personalities in their own lives.


2-2:05pm Welcome Address by Dr. Berge, Director of CWIMS

2:05-2:35pm Recognizing and Responding to Microaggression

Presentation by Dia Yang, M.S., Office of DEI, Medical School

2:35-4:30pm Minnesota Not So Nice: Navigating Challenging Personalities

Keynote Presentation by Sherlonda Sharp, MS

An interactive and energized workshop session which provide attendees with strategies/resources to navigate the challenging personalities in their own lives.

*All times are CST


Canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions.


DATE: May 30, 2019

ATTENDANCE: 76 people in-person, 44 people remote

Complete workshop agenda can be located here. 

Summary: The day started out with energetic conversations during the networking lunch where attendees participated in focused discussions surrounding topics such as peer mentoring, promotion and tenure, finding balance, leadership, etc. The day continued with CWIMS Leadership Team updates on initiative progress, open-forum Q&A, and Speaking with Impact seminar by Laura Purcell Verdun, M.A., CCC/SLP.

Workshop slides are available for viewing here