
Center for Women in Medicine and Science (CWIMS) Resources

Nominations & Letters of Support Toolkit

This Nominations & Letters of Support toolkit includes key considerations, helpful resources, and templates to be utilized by award/recognition nominators and individuals preparing a letter of support. See an introduction video of the toolkit here. Share the toolkit :

Intersectionality Resource Hub

Intersectionality is a praxis (theory and practice) which understands systems of power and oppression as interrelated1. It provides critical insight that the identities, often produced by systems of power and oppression, such as “ race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nation, ability, and age operate not as unitary, mutually exclusive entities, but as reciprocally constructing phenomena that in turn shape complex social inequalities.”

The Center for Women in Medicine and Science (CWIMS) Intersectionality Resource Hub includes artciles, trainings, toolkits, and media for further learning regarding intersectionality. This is a growing list and is not a comprehensive list.


  1. Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies. GWSS 1001: Intersectionality. Accessed July 13, 2021.

  2. Collins PH. Intersectionality’s Definitional Dilemmas. Annual Review of Sociology. 2015;41(1):1-20. doi:10.1146/annurev-soc-073014-112142

Leadership Resource Hub

This Center for Women in Medicine and Science (CWIMS) Leadership Resource Hub is meant to be a non-comprehensive compilation of resources that the University of Minnesota Center for Women in Medicine and Science (CWIMS) have found supportive for current and emerging leaders in developing leadership skills. 

Reports and Publications
  • CWIMS Inagural Year in Review
  • Berge JM, Macheledt K, Watson S, Dorr H, Pusalavidyasagar S, Kunin-Batson A, Pratt R, Zimmer S, Tolar J, Termuhlen A. Using a community-based participatory approach to address gender equity in academic medicine: The Center for Women in Medicine and Science at the University of Minnesota. Acad Med. 2022;97(3):370-377. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000004375
  • Spencer S, Burrows C, Lacher SE, Macheledt KC, Berge JM, Ghebre RG. Framework for advancing equity in academic medicine and science: Perspectives from early career female faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prev Med Rep. 2021;24:101576. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101576
Women in STEMM

The UMN Women in STEMM collaborative offers a platform for University of Minnesota affiliated groups, programs, centers and/or initiatives who are actively committed to addressing gender equity at the University of Minnesota in the fields of science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine, to join together in building a shared agenda around advancing gender equity. 

For more information.

Comprehensive Gender Care

Further learning resources from the December 2020 Medical School Dean's Lecture on Comprehensive Gender Care: Competency Across Healthcare, Research and Advocacy. 

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Reading Corner
Want to learn more about gender equity in academic medicine and sciences? Visit our reading corner for few articles to consider.


University of Minnesota Resources


The Medical School Salary Equity Review Committee (SERC), a committee formed on behalf of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, will examine salary data for paid faculty within basic science departments with ≥ 67% full-time equivalent and oversee salary equity review at the department level and perform salary reviews on behalf of individual faculty members appealing departmental and Human Resources (HR) review.

For more information. 


Mission: Leverage the transformative power of equity and diversity to advance excellence in teaching, research and community engagement at the University of Minnesota.
Vision: OED envisions a University where equity and diversity are:
  1. Integrated into the work and lives of every student, faculty, and staff member.
  2. Recognized as core institutional values, and will inform thinking, policies, and practices throughout the University.
  3. Inherently intertwined with academic excellence and the development of leaders for a globally inclusive society.
Example OED unit offices include: 



The mission of the Women’s Faculty Cabinet is to improve and enrich the academic and professional environments for women faculty at the University of Minnesota and to ensure that the University continues and strengthens its commitment to the success of its women faculty members.

For more information.


Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) addresses reports of discrimination, harassment, nepotism, sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking and relationship violence) and related retaliation through:

  • Investigation
  • Informal problem-solving
  • Consultation
  • Education

EEOA specific resources are located here.


The President’s Initiative to Prevent Sexual Misconduct (PIPSM) aims for long-term culture change to build a University community free from all forms of sexual misconduct. Read President Gabel's endorsement for this work and the strategic priorities for 2019-20. The President's Initiative to Prevent Sexual Misconduct is guided by a Charter that outlines its work.

For more information.

The Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy (CWGPP) illuminates gender-based disparities through research, teaching, and public engagement. In partnership with students, faculty, policymakers, and community leaders, the Center advances effective public policies that create a more equitable world.

The Bias Response and Referral Network (BRRN) responds to reports of bias incidents on the Twin Cities campus. The BRRN’s goal is to contribute to a campus climate that is welcoming, inclusive, and respectful for all. The BRRN provides support resources to impacted parties, promotes education and dialogue, and affirms the University's commitment to equity and diversity, free speech, and academic freedom.

For more information.

National Resources

AAMC on Salary

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has developed a few resources and tools on understanding and addressing faculty salary equity. 

For more information.



The AAMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) advances the full and successful participation and inclusion of women within academic medicine by addressing gender equity, recruitment and retention, awards and recognition, and career advancement.

GWIMS Toolkit - Leveraging Your Career, Institutional Strategies for Advancing Women in Medicine

GWIMS Equity Recruitment Toolkit

Women Faculty of Color Toolkits - Individual & Institutional Strategies for Advancing the Careers of Women of Color in Academic Medicine


NASEM Action Collaborative

The National Academies Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education brings together leaders from over 60 academic and research institutions and key stakeholders to work toward targeted, collective action on addressing and preventing sexual harassment across all disciplines and among all people in higher education. 

The University of Minnesota is an Action Collaborative member. See our commitment letter, representatives,  and community engagement plan


The American Medical Association Women Physicians Section (WPS) has a variety of resources