Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum (EPAC)

Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum cohort group photo

What is Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum (EPAC)?

The Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum (EPAC) project is an educational pathway in which learners are advanced through the clinical years of medical school, into and through general pediatrics residency, based on the demonstration of defined outcomes rather than on time (ie, time variable, competency based medical education). Those accepted into the EPAC program will transition directly into the Pediatric Residency Program at the University of Minnesota. This pathway started in the Fall of 2013 at four medical schools across the country: the Universities of California San Francisco, Utah, Colorado, and Minnesota. These schools worked in collaboration with the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), and the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP). EPAC received a grant from the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation to support the project.

Our Vision

“To create a model of medical education and training seamlessly spanning the UME/GME continuum which is focused on each learner’s individual achievement of the defined competencies and milestones which constitute the professional activities of a pediatrician.” -- AAMC

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Interested Students

The Goals of EPAC Are:

  • To advance learners based on competency from the beginning of the clinical years through board eligibility
  • Provide a specialty-focused longitudinal integrated clerkship (LIC) in this program

What EPAC Means:

  • LIC: The EPAC Longitudinal Integrated Curriculum (LIC) is designed to represent the entire clinical immersion curriculum at the University of Minnesota Medical School using, when appropriate, a pediatric patient population as the target demographic. Progress along this curriculum will proceed in a time-variable fashion according to the pace of progress toward entrustment with intern-level responsibilities and successful completion of required curriculum and assessments.
  • Specialty Specific Transition Phase: Once EPAC learners have demonstrated the ability to do the 13 Core EPAs for Entering Residency at a level of indirect supervision, all findings double checked, and they have completed the required elements in each core discipline, they will enter the specialty specific transition phase. Transition phase consists of an acting internship in general pediatrics hospitalist service, a sub-internship in intensive care (e.g., NICU),  taking USMLE Step 2 and some electives.  
  • Enrichment Opportunities: If a learner needs more time in a certain discipline either before or after the specialty specific transition phase, enrichment opportunities will be created and provided.
  • Residency: Once an EPAC learner has completed these phases, they will receive their Doctor of Medicine diploma from the medical school and transition to residency in general pediatrics at the University of Minnesota.

What makes a good EPAC Candidate?

  • Certain about pediatrics as your specialty of choice
  • Certain you wish to remain at the University of Minnesota to complete your training
  • Interested and excited about participating in a competency based medical education program, that can be time variable.
  • Excited about starting your clinical training in a longitudinal clerkship with a pediatric focus
  • Ready to increase your level of responsibility based on your demonstrated ability

Discerning if EPAC is Right for YOU!

There are multiple opportunities for first and second year students at the University of Minnesota to discern specialty and programmatic interest for EPAC. We have designed a multi-level process that allows students to be as involved as they wish: EPAC Explore, EPAC Focus, and EPAC Match.

EPAC Explore

In this first phase of the program, EPAC Explore, we provide outreach through the Pediatric Interest Group, and three EPAC interest group meetings. There may be options to ask for early clinical experience through a pediatric lens in the Early Clinical Experience (ECE) course.   

EPAC Focus

In the second phase of the project, potential applicants are offered an opportunity to participate in the Summer Observership in Pediatric Subspecialties (SOPS), a 1-week observership experience in the summer hiatus between first and second year.  

The final information meeting will be held in the early Summer at the end of the student’s first year where application information and requirements will be discussed and final questions can be answered. Applications and interviews occur in September of 2nd year, with selection of the cohort in October of the 2nd year. Those interested in applying to EPAC will also receive information regarding the Pediatric Residency Program at the University of Minnesota.

EPAC Match

The third phase begins once you are accepted into the EPAC program. Each of our cohorts will consist of up to 4 students. Applications are due in early September of 2nd year, with interviews in September and selection in mid October of second year. The first day of the EPAC longitudinal integrated clerkship (LIC) begins in March of the 2nd year.

Curriculum Design: LIC

The design of the LIC (longitudinal integrated clerkship) seeks to maximize continuity of patient care, curriculum, and supervision through three basic elements: continuity experiences with faculty representing the core clinical immersion disciplines; a strategically built patient panel; and flexible time for the students to follow panel patients into various medical environments. 
For 40 percent of their time, students will be assigned to specific faculty for half-day sessions every other week in pediatric emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, ob/gyn, pediatric neurology, child psychiatry, and pediatric surgery/surgical subspecialties. Students will have a weekly continuity clinic in pediatrics at M Health Fairview University Children’s Clinic during the LIC.

The students will spend an additional 40 percent of their time engaging with their patient panel in various settings, completing required curricular elements,  pursue independent activities meant to develop their knowledge base and prepare for examinations.  This is also time to pursue academic projects and explore career options.  Finally, the students will have 20 percent of their time protected to attend EPAC team meetings and take examinations.  

Following the LIC, students will enter into the specialty specific transition phase where enrichment will be provided, if necessary.  When ready, students will then transition to pediatric residency at the University of Minnesota.