The Pediatrics Research Council contributes to the mission of the department by providing guidance to the Vice Chair for Research, managing intramural and bridge research funding, being involved in new faculty hires, and assisting with identifying research mentors. The PRC plays an essential role in departmental affairs relating to research.

Research Council Members

Varun Aggarwal
Varun Aggarwal
Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Cardiology
(612) 626-2755
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Melena Bellin
Melena Bellin
, MD
Professor, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology
(612) 624-5409
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Sarah Cusick
Sarah Cusick
, PhD
Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Clinical Research
(612) 626-2902
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marla eisenberg
Marla Eisenberg
, ScD, MPH
Professor, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health
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Gwen Fischer
Gwenyth Fischer
, MD
Associate Chair of Research, Associate Professor, Division Director, Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
(612) 625-6678
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Michael Georgieff, MD
Michael Georgieff
, MD
Executive Vice Chair & Martin Lenz Harrison Land Grant Professor, Division of Neonatology
(612) 626-0644
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Alicia Kunin Batson
Alicia Kunin-Batson
, PhD, LP
Associate Professor, Division of Clinical Behavioral Neuroscience
(612) 624-6931
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Michael Olin
Michael Olin
, PhD
Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
(612) 626-2778
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Sara Ramel, MD
Sara Ramel
, MD
Associate Professor, Division of Neonatology
(612) 626-0644
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Marie Steiner
Marie Steiner
, MD, MS
Professor, Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine & Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
(612) 626-2778
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Phu Tran, PhD
Phu Tran
, PhD
Associate Professor, Division of Neonatology
(612) 626-0644
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Beau Webber
Beau Webber
, PhD
Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
(612) 626-2778
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Research Council Staff

Erinn Barclay
Finance Manager 

Suzanne Blodgett
Finance Professional 

Joy Bremer
Finance Analyst

Jennifer Goldfarb
Clinical Research Program Director, Children's Health 

Lori Wallin
Director, Research Support Services

If you have equipment that you no longer need and would like to offer it to other labs. Please email pedsigp@umn edu with the following information: 

  • Name and Model Number of Equipment
  • Picture of Equipment
  • Location 
  • Notes of working condition, availability of manuals

Questions, comments or concerns with research administration, strategy, or anything else research related? Contact

Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari

Vice Chair for Research