Laboratory Focus: Tissue-Organ Engineering Biofabrication

The Panoskaltsis-Mortari Laboratory is centered on the field of regenerative medicine, which includes Tissue-Organ Enginering and Biofabrication. We study tissue engineering from stem cells using two approaches: 1. Decellularized whole organ scaffolds integrated with sophisticated bioreactors, and 2. 3D Bioprinting using extrusion, suspension, and laser-assisted techniques. Current projects aim to create lung, trachea and esophagus for transplantation, and 3D cancer models to evaluate drugs and cell therapies. Within these projects are studies on the role of extracellular matrix composition and mechanical properties in driving appropriate cell differentiation, and exploration of new strategies to vascularize bioengineered tissue. As this is highly interdisciplinary research, we accept students with various interests ranging from biomedical engineering, physiology, stem cell biology, computer science, mechanical engineering, biomaterials science, and surgery.

Interested in Donating to help further our research?

If you are interested in making a donation to the 3D Bioprinting and Advanced Regenerative Medicine Technologies Program please follow the link below. These funds would help support the advancement of regenerative medicine. Expenses can include but are not limited to, 3D bioprinting technology upgrades, supplies, and research.

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Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari

Principal Investigator

Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari, PhD
Vice Chair for Research, Department of Pediatrics
Professor, Department of Medicine & Department of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation & Cellular Therapy
Full Bio


Dawn Variety Club Cardiovascualr Research Center Building (DVRC 267)
425 Est River Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55455