Training Verifications

Pediatric Internship and Residency Training Verifications may be directed to:

Pediatric Medical Education Office
East Building, Room M136
Delivery Code: 8950A
2450 Riverside Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Phone: (612) 624-4477
Fax: (612) 626-7042
[email protected]

Please include the following information:

  • Full name of trainee
  • Any former/maiden name(s)
  • Trainee's date of birth
  • Type of training being verified
  • Dates of training being verified
  • Authorization and release form

Each education program manages their own training verification requests.  The Pediatric Medical Education Office can only verify Pediatric Internship and Residency training.  Most training verifications will be completed within two weeks of the request.  Please do not send second or third requests if it has not been two weeks since you sent the initial request for verification.

The Pediatric Medical Education Office will respond to verification requests with the Standard Verification of Training Form (Word doc), in accordance with the University of Minnesota Graduate Medical Education Verification of Training and Summary for Credentialing policy.  We are happy to fill out non-standard forms, however, there will be a $100.00 processing fee.  Checks may be made payable to the Regents of the University of Minnesota, enclosed with the non-standard form, and mailed to the Pediatric Medical Education Office (address listed above).

Medicine-Pediatrics Internship and Residency Training: Fax to (612) 625-3238.  More information available at

All other Internship, Residency, and Fellowship Training

MD Certification: Please contact the University of Minnesota Medical School Office of Student Affairs: