Inclusion Campaigns

No Hate Campaign

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Council launched a 2018 Pediatric-focused revival of the former campus-wide "No Hate" campaign. Join us in creating a welcoming, safe, and respectful workplace and community for all by wearing a button. 

When wearing this button, consider these things we each can do to create a welcoming, safe and respectful campus for all:  

  • We can respect each other.
  • We can treat each other with human decency.
  • We can promote healing.
  • We can help each other.
  • We can intentionally reflect on our own roles and power and show up in collaboration with people who have been marginalized.
  • We can stand together for respect, for each person’s right to be here to learn, to work, to teach.
  • We can aspire to create an amazing world together.

Maroon and gold no hate button photo

Pick-up your button and sticker at the following locations:
  • Pediatric Department Head's Office - AO-121 Academic Office Building
  • Academic Office Building Concierge Services- AO-102 Academic Office Building
  • Email [email protected] to request your button to be sent through inter-campus mail.
  • From EDIC members across campus

Words Matter Campaign

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Council has continued our 2022 departmental inclusion campaign in 2023: Words Matter. This campaign commits to:
  • Increase the awareness of verbal microaggressions
  • Clarify history / intent behind specific language use
  • Acknowledge and grow our individual and collective cultural humility
  • Provide space to ask questions and share experiences
Join our commitment through showing your "Words Matter" sticker - these waterproof / outdoor stickers are perfect for your water bottle, car, phone, door, or computer!  Pick-up your sticker at these locations:
  • Pediatric Department Head's Office - AO-121 Academic Office Building
  • Academic Office Building Concierge Services- AO-102 Academic Office Building
  • Email [email protected] to request your sticker to be sent through inter-campus mail.
Words matter sticker photo
Pronoun stickers

Pronoun Sticker Campaign

Pronoun stickers were purchased by the EDIC to foster inclusion and awareness of the transgender, gender non-conforming, and gender non-binary people in our community. Faculty, staff, and trainees are encouraged to pick up the pronoun sticker that they identify with and place it on their badge. All are welcome here.

  • they/them
  • she/her
  • he/him
  • xe/xem
  • ze/zir
  • Fill in your pronouns