Adjunct & Affiliate Faculty

The mission of the Medical School is to be a leader in enhancing the health of people through innovative and diverse training experiences.  Our medical students and residents learn through interaction with a variety of medical educators.  The Department of Pediatrics relies on the teaching skills of our adjunct faculty and faculty at affiliate locations to provide hands-on skill-building and exposure to real world medical care.

The Department of Pediatrics has over 150 active adjunct faculty and faculty at affiliate locations who volunteer their time to teach 115 Pediatric and Medicine/Pediatrics residents and over 800 medical students.  This teaching occurs in a wide variety of clinical settings ranging from urban, suburban, and rural offices to large teaching hospitals.

Teaching experiences include, but are not limited to: Essentials of Clinical Medicine (ECM), a series of weekly half-day pediatric outpatient experiences where first and second-year students get their first hands-on experience working with children and their families; General Pediatric Outpatient Elective, where third or fourth-year students spend 29 half-days over the course of four weeks with a preceptor seeing patients; and the Pediatric Resident Continuity Clinic, where residents spend a half-day each week for three to four years seeing patients.  Urban/rural students and resident electives allow medical students and senior residents opportunities to get more exposure to these practice settings for one month at a time.

Aside from the satisfaction of teaching receptive learners, adjunct faculty and faculty at affiliate locations receive numerous benefits and access to University resources.  These include a University e-mail account, access to the extensive electronic resources of the Bio-Medical Library, which include the current issues of almost all medical and scientific journals, as well as faculty discounts on University sports tickets, gym use, and computer software and hardware.  The links in the right-hand navigation of this page include appointment criteria, frequently visited sites, plus videos of Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds presentations.

Committee Chairs

Adjunct Faculty Committee
Molly Wyman

Dr. Molly Wyman
Co-Chair, Adjunct Faculty Committee

Walid Maalouli headshot

Dr. Walid Maalouli
Co-Chair, Adjunct Faculty Committee

Academic Track Committee
Michelle Rheault

Dr. Michelle Rheault
Chair, Academic Track Committee

Clinician Track Committee
Marissa Hendrickson

Dr. Marissa Hendrickson
Co-Chair, Clinician Track Committee

Jordan Marmet

Dr. Jordan Marmet
Co-Chair, Clinician Track Committee

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Teaching Opportunities

In order to maintain an adjunct appointment with the Department of Pediatrics, we require a minimum of 100 hours of teaching per year.  A required annual activities report is sent out each year.  View a spreadsheet of available teaching opportunities by clicking here.

If you are concerned that your teaching hours over the past calendar year have not totaled 100 hours, or would like information on any of our departmental teaching activities, please contact:

Jill Hodsdon
Administrator, Adjunct Faculty Committee
[email protected] 
P: (612) 625-0455

Adjunct or Affiliate?

Confusion often exists about what constitutes an adjunct faculty appointment or an appointment as a faculty member at an affiliate site. The major determination of which appointment you will be granted is based on employment status at an affiliate hospital and programmatic collaboration between the applying physician and the regular faculty at the University of Minnesota. Such collaborations may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Close working relationship between the adjunct/affiliate faculty member and regular faculty at the University of Minnesota Medical School in coverage of clinics
  • Shared night call coverage
  • Attending responsibilities at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital (UMMCH)
  • Participation in research projects
  • Participation in fellowship programs

Adjunct faculty are primarily clinicians who work in clinics in the community or another medical setting. Adjunct faculty status should meet the needs of most providers who are not regular faculty and who seek an appointment in the Department of Pediatrics.  Adjunct faculty members are promoted on different criteria from faculty at affiliate locations. Most adjunct faculty are in a private practice setting.

Faculty at affiliate locations are those who provide teaching opportunities in hospitals directly affiliated with the University of Minnesota, including University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital (UMMCH), Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC), Children's Minnesota (St. Paul and Minneapolis campuses), and Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare. Appointment and promotion of faculty at affiliate sites requires the appropriate division director's approval and support. Faculty at affiliate sites members are promoted in a similar fashion to regular University of Minnesota faculty, including review by the Promotion and Tenure Committee within the Department of Pediatrics. They are on either the Academic Track or the Clinician Track.

Contact Us

Primary Contact:
Jill Hodsdon
[email protected]