Promotion & Tenure
Pursuing promotion involves assembling a detailed dossier of your accomplishments toward the University's tripartite mission. Our department is prepared to give you the guidance and tools you'll need to prepare a dossier that will lead to successful promotion. Perhaps the most important thing you can make a habit of now, no matter the stage in your career, is to keep detailed records of your accomplishments. Regularly update your curriculum vitae and actively participate in the department's annual faculty review process, and meet with your promotion mentor on an ongoing basis! This helps ensure the eventual process of dossier preparation and successfully advancing your rank will be a satisfying experience rather than a stressful one. Contact Julia Steinberger, Chair of the Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee, or Jill Hodsdon, Faculty Affairs Consultant, with any questions you might have about the promotion process. We are here to help!
Department Requirements
Department of Pediatrics Requirements
All faculty, at all ranks, undergo an annual performance review. According to the Medical School Faculty Review Policy, the head of the department or his/her designee annually reviews the progress of each faculty member and prepares a written summary of that review and discusses the faculty member's progress with the faculty member, giving him/her a copy of the report. The Department of Pediatrics has empowered committees to assist the department head with this review.
The Department has established committees charged with providing promotion advisership to early career faculty. The members of these committees are assigned as advisors to individual faculty members, and are encouraged to meet with them twice annually to assess academic progress, research productivity, and advancement towards the award of tenure, if applicable. The committees meet annually to review progress and create a record for documentation of future success.
Review Committees
Review Committees
The committees listed below are responsible for the ongoing advisership of early career faculty members and providing regular evaluations of their progress towards promotion. The committees meet annually in January to review the progress reports prepared by assigned advisors, and to make decisions regarding readiness for promotion.
Tenure Track Committee
Chaired by Dr. Logan Spector, is responsible for assigning mentors and reviewing the progress of tenure track faculty members.
Academic Track Committee
More information coming soon.
Clinician Track Committee
Co-Chaired by Dr. Marissa Hendrickson and Dr. Jordan Marmet, is responsible for assigning mentors and reviewing progress of faculty on the Clinician Track.
Promotion and Tenure Committee
Chaired by Dr. Julia Steinberger, provides guidance regarding the policies and procedures established by the Medical School Promotions Committee and Vice Provost, and ensures that all criteria for promotion have been met by candidates submitting dossiers.
Post Tenure Review Committee
Chaired by Dr. Sarah Cusick, evaluates the contributions of tenured faculty toward the tripartite academic missions of education, scholarship, and service and affirm that achievements meet the expectations of the Department of Pediatrics and Medical School. Reviews are at a minimum of every 3 years. The Post Tenure Review Committee is comprised of seven tenured faculty elected by the tenured faculty of the department for a term of four years.
Promotion Timeline and Dossier Preparation
Promotions Timeline
In general we assume a nine-year timeline from Assistant to Associate Professor, and Associate Professor to Professor. On the Tenure Track, this is the maximum time allowed for promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor, but for Academic or Clinician Track promotions, there is no minimum or maximum number of years an individual is allowed to remain at rank. Some individuals may elect to go up for promotion early. Provided the respective Track Statement criteria are met (Academic, Clinician, or Tenure), this is acceptable.
For more information about preparing for promotion, please visit the Guide for Pediatricians and Scholars (GPS) section on Promotion and Tenure by clicking here. The promotion process starts two years before the actual promotion! Please visit Promotion Timeline (Academic/Tenure Track) or Promotion Timeline (Clinician Track) for more information.