University of Minnesota Physicians Providing Exemplary Care to a Family Dealing with Rare Diseases

An Alabama family with three children that all have rare diseases have found the M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital as a place that they can call home when needed. This family found their current physician Paul Orchard, MD, Professor in the Division of Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant & Cellular Therapy at the University of Minnesota and since then, have relied on his care and expertise to help them make the best decisions for their children. The children have needed many different infusions, appointments, and treatments which has made Minnesota their second home. They have found that in Alabama, maybe one person would have heard about the rare disease, but at M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital, many people have done research on the disease. The family has decided to choose hope for themselves instead of beating themselves up. To read more about this family and more about Dr. Orchard, follow this link.