Free Educational Offerings

We are delighted to be able to offer you some of our educational materials free of charge.

Caring for Newly Arrived Afghans

This 3-4 hour course helps medical professionals get ready to welcome newly arrived Afghans. Experts discuss Operation Allies Welcome, Afghan history and culture and how that might affect your Afghan patient. The course includes best practices on the refugee health domestic medical exam, skin exam, immediate clinician considerations in Afghan arrivals, psychological first aid, and mental health and trauma considerations in Afghans, all through the framework of cultural humility.

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Long Term Travelers: A Peace Corps Experience

In this 53-minute talk, Dr. Maddy Wilks shares some fascinating insights into health care for the Peace Corps.

Watch the Talk
Download the slides

Introduction to Immigrant and Refugee Health

This 7-hour, lecture-based introductory course in immigrant and refugee health is offered free of charge. Lectures included here are by global health experts who also lecture for our annual Global Health Course.

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Introduction to Medical Interpreting

Newly updated to include much more content, including telehealth considerations, virtual interpreters, and working with individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing! In this self-paced online module, students and practitioners learn to understand the basics of interpreting, comprehend the ethics of interpreting, and understand the guidelines and pitfalls of interpreting.

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Principles of Disaster Preparedness & Infectious Disease Outbreaks

This 9-hour, lecture-based course helps individuals to understand infectious disease outbreaks and control. While it was crafted in response to (and during) the COVID-19 pandemic, it does not contain COVID-19 specific lectures, as all lectures predate this pandemic, dating from 2015-2019.

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Case Presentations From Tanzania

Live case presentations with colleagues from Selian Hospital in Arusha, Tanzania.

Watch recordings

Rheumatic Heart Disease Screening

A Training Course for School-Based Screening Teams. For free access to this course, email Dr. Zachary Kaltenborn at [email protected].

Email Dr. Kaltenborn

Tropical Dermatology

A Syndrome-Based Approach

Patients affected by skin conditions present signs and symptoms that guide the next steps for clinicians to reach the correct diagnosis. This course provides an overview of skin diseases seen in the tropics with emphasis on diagnoses that are common or of medical/public health importance. The diseases are organized by presenting complaint. This is designed to reflect how clinicians evaluate patients: by clinical presentation rather than by etiology of disease.

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End of Life and Advance Care Planning: Honoring Choices Across Cultures

This 3-4-hour, lecture-based course prepares individuals in many disciplines who provide clinical care or support for patients and their families and will provide practical advice and a useful toolkit to direct discussions about advance care planning and to provide end-of-life care using core values of compassion and cultural humility.

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Additional free resources from Dr. Bobbi Pritt at the Mayo Clinic:

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to help us continue to create more free tools and resources!