Hospital Medicine Pathway

The Hospital Medicine Pathway is an innovative joint venture between the Divisions of Hospital Medicine at the HealthPartners Medical Group and the University of Minnesota Department of Medicine.

The mission of this educational pathway is to foster the growth and development of residents wishing to pursue careers as practitioners, educators, researchers, and leaders in the field of hospital medicine.

Curriculum is guided by the principles of the Hospital Medicine Core Competencies adopted by the Society for Hospital Medicine and the American Board of Internal Medicine. The goal is for residents to graduate from the pathway with skills that will prepare them well to practice as an independent hospitalist as well as provide valuable experiences in research/QI and leadership that will enhance their careers.


Any resident with a strong interest in hospital medicine is welcome to join the pathway.

Residents may express their interest and join anytime during PGY1 or the first half of PGY2 year. In order to join, please email the pathway leads with a brief statement of interest. After this is received, we will arrange for an informal interview to provide you with more information and detailed expectations of the pathway.

In order to be eligible, a resident must be in good standing with the Residency Program. We will verify this with program leadership prior to you joining the pathway.


Requirements and Opportunities

  • One-on-one mentorship with a practicing hospitalist throughout residency
  • Complete a hospital medicine-focused QI project
  • Participate in the Hospitalist Rotations at Regions and UMMC in 2nd/3rd year
  • Attend and present at Hospital Medicine Journal Club at Regions
  • Opportunity to attend Society of Hospital Medicine Leadership Academy
  • Meet with hospital leaders, learn about documentation/coding, economics of healthcare, hospital triage, and leadership
  • Quarterly pathway meetings on a wide range of hospital medicine topics
  • Opportunity to build your POCUS skills and start an image portfolio

Regions Hospitalist Rotation
The Regions Hospitalist elective includes 4 weeks of focused learning in Palliative Care, Perioperative Medicine, Observation Care, Inpatient Pain Management, and Addiction Medicine. Special emphasis will be placed on educating residents on the Core Competencies in Hospital Medicine, including understanding observation vs inpatient status, end of life care, pain management, quality improvement, and perioperative co-management.

For Pathway residents who choose this elective in their PGY3 year, they are given focused instruction in POCUS as well as telemedicine.

University Hospitalist Rotation
The UMMC Hospitalist elective is a 4-week rotation focused on giving the resident exposure to the many essential interdisciplinary services in the hospital as well as some of the non-direct care roles that hospitalists engage in. The exact schedules will vary, but residents can expect to spend time with a variety of services and roles including social work/care coordination, PT/OT/SLP, respiratory therapy, and the quality improvement team. Additionally they may spend time with hospitalists doing utilization review, co-management, or triage as well as meet with some of the hospital leadership team.


UMMC Hospitalist Elective Director and Pathway Lead

Dr. Donna Coetzee
Email: [email protected]

Director of Regions Hospitalist Elective and Hospitalist Pathway Lead

Dr. Mary Fredrickson
Email: [email protected]