Applied Clinical Research Program
The Applied Clinical Research Program (ACRP) is housed in the Department of Medicine at the University of Minnesota Medical School. The objectives of the Applied Clinical Research Program are to support the conduct of clinical research in the broad areas of clinical epidemiology, outcomes, implementation, health services delivery and translation. The Program will help support a broad range of methodological initiatives including clinical trials, and observational and qualitative studies.
Conduct of Research
The program will
- Promote and facilitate interdisciplinary clinical research initiatives with schools, centers, institutes and programs in the Academic Health Center, other teaching hospitals, community providers and government agencies
- Attract extramural funding for individual faculty, new interdisciplinary or large cooperative clinical trials
- Leverage core Academic Health Center, Medical School and Office for Clinical Research resources to support clinical research activities
Faculty Development
The program will
- Help faculty acquire didactic training in clinical research
- Assist in the development of a focused area of clinical research
- Provide structured mentoring (in conjunction with other Department of Medicine faculty) directed toward achieving success in acquiring extramural funding, publications and promotion
- Serve as a magnet for new faculty recruits
Program Faculty
Susan Everson-Rose, PhD, MPH
Professor of Medicine
General Internal Medicine
[email protected]
(612) 624-0468
Janet Thomas, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine
General Internal Medicine
[email protected]
(612) 624-0468
Anne Marie Weber-Main, PhD
Associate Professor and Research Medical Editor
Department of Medicine
[email protected]
(612) 625-7433
Program Director
Anne Joseph, MD, MPH
Wexler Professor of Medicine