Global Medicine Pathway

The Global Medicine Pathway is for residents in the internal medicine, medicine-pediatrics and medicine-dermatology residency programs. The Global Medicine program consists of over 35 faculty, one to two chief residents, and approximately 50 residents from the internal medicine, medicine-pediatrics and medicine-dermatology residency programs. More than 80 residents have completed international rotations through our partner sites since 2000.
We prepare physicians to provide better care in the global village:
- Improve your ability to deliver healthcare to immigrants, refugees, and travelers.
- Develop a clinical or academic career in global health.
- Expand your understanding of under-represented diseases.
- Increase your confidence and competence in caring for multicultural patient populations.
- Pursue a career in under-served communities.
- Build and foster local, national, and international community collaborations.
Why Join the Pathway?
- Connect with global medicine faculty mentors from the surrounding community
- Access global medicine communities at the University of Minnesota
- Join nationally-renowned online and in-person courses
- Sit for the exam for the internationally recognized Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine & Travelers’ Health (CTropMed®) from the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, or the Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene from the UK-based Royal College of Physicians
- Receive sponsored membership to the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- Enjoy priority scheduling for international rotations and continuity clinic
Details about the Pathway
Global Medicine Pathway Eligibility
- Participants must be a current Internal Medicine, Medicine-Dermatology, or Medicine-Pediatrics resident within the University of Minnesota’s Department of Medicine.
- Residents must obtain approval from their residency program director and coordinator.
Global Medicine Pathway Core Components
- Clinical Tropical Medicine & Global Health Curriculum; 7 online courses – the first of its kind in the country.
- Live Global Medicine Course, a 4-week elective during residency.
- International and domestic rotations for one-two months during your residency.
- Global Medicine Lecture Series and other UMN and Twin Cities campus conferences.
- Continuity clinic that serves globally mobile populations available to a limited number of residents each year.
- Travel and Tropical Medicine elective month.
- Global health academic project/scholarly activity during residency.
Global Medicine Pathway Requirements
- Complete Online and In-Person Global Health Course (offered each May - we strongly recommend you do this before your international rotation).
- Participate in a Global Medicine rotation at an approved site (international elective or approved domestic rotation) during residency. For international rotations, we suggest 2 months.
- Complete a research, educational, or advocacy project focused on global health (research, poster presentation, case presentation, update at a GMLS lecture, or discuss other options with mentor/global health chief resident).
- Meet with Global Medicine Program Directors during 1st or 2nd year.
- Attend 6 Global Medicine Lecture Series events over your residency (make sure to sign in when you arrive to get credit).
Suggested Plan for the Pathway Year-by-Year
Year 1 (IM and Med/Peds)
- Enroll into Medicine Global Health Pathway on the Google Form
- Attend Global Medicine lectures including morning report, noon conference and TTMS
- Start thinking about areas of interest and connecting with Global Health Mentors
- Sign up for Global Health online courses
Year 2 (IM) -- Year 2/3 (Med/Peds)
- Choose mentor and begin working on a global medicine project
- Attend Global Medicine lectures including morning report, noon conference and TTMS
- Complete 5 global health online courses prior to taking GH live course
- Consider local global health electives (Migrant Farm Worker Elective, Travel Medicine Clinic, Rosebud)
- Global Health In-Person Course in May (recommended before international elective)
Year 3 (IM) -- Year 3/4 (Med/Peds)
- Continue mentor meetings and career development
- Attend Global Medicine lectures including morning report, noon conference and GMLS
- Finish and present academic project/activity
- International elective (preferred in latter part of training)
- Finish any remaining global health online courses.
Reading List
Core Texts
- Iverson, Kenneth. Improvised Medicine.
- Walker, Patricia F & Barnett, Elizabeth (Editors). Immigrant Medicine.
- Gawande, Atul: better.
Tropical & Travel Medicine
- Cook, Gordon C.; Zumla, Alimuddin I. Manson’s Tropical Diseases (21st ed).
- Brent, Andrew; Davidson, Robert; Seale, Anna. Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine.
- Harries, J.R.; Harries, A.D.; Cook, G.C. Clinical Problems in Tropical Medicine.
- Jong, Elaine C.; McMullen, Russell. Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual.
- Kemp, Charles; Rasbridge, Lance A. Refugee and Immigrant Health: A Handbook for Health Professionals.
- Brunette, Gary. CDC Yellow Book: Health Information for International Travel.
- Mahmoud, Adel. Tropical and Geographical Medicine.
- Bennett, John E.; Dolin, Raphael; Blaser, Martin. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles & Practice of Infectious Diseases.
- Olness MD, Karen; Mandalakas MD, MS, Anna; Torjese MD, MPH, Kristine. How to Help the Children in Humanitarian Disasters.
- Paluska MD, Scott A. Clinics in Family Practice.
- Peters MD, Walace. Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology.
- Ravdin, Jonathan I. Amebiasis.
- Stauffer MD, MSPH, DTM&H, William M. Clinics in Family Practice.
- Magill, Alan; Ryan, Edward; Solomon, Tom; Hill, David. Hunter’s Tropical Medicine.
- Walker PF, Jaranson J. Refugee and Immigrant Health Care.
Cross-Cultural Health
- Young, Biloine. My Heart it is Delicious.
- McDonald, Theodore; Sand, Jaime. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Refugee Communities: The Importance of Culturally Sensitive Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment.
- Braile, Louis. We Shared The Peeled Orange.
- Alexie, Sherman. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven.
- Boyle, T. Coraghessan. The Tortilla Curtain.
- Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain: Stories.
- Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street.
- Culhane-Pera, K.A. Healing by Heart.
- D’Haem, Jeanne. The Last Camel: True Stories of Somalia.
- Dirie, Waris; Miller, Cathleen. Desert Flower: The Extraordinary Journey of a Desert Nomad.
- Eggers, Paul. Saviors.
- Fadiman, A. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down.
- Gawanda, Atul. The Checklist Manifesto.
- Gehrke-White, Donna. The Face Behind the Veil: The Extraordinary Lives of Muslim Women in America.
- Gillan, Maria Mazziotti. Growing Up Ethnic in America: Contemporary Fiction About Learning to Be American.
- Gillan, Maria M. Unsettling America: An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry.
- Gillan, Maria M. Identity Lessons: Contemporary Writing About Learning to Be American.
- Girls of Many Lands (Book Series).
- Gourevitch, Philip. We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda.
- Hemon, Aleksandar. Nowhere Man.
- Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner.
- Ilibagiza, Immacule. Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust.
- Kapuscinski, Ryzard. The Shadow of the Sun.
- Kidder, Tracy. Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World.
- Kurtz, Jane. (Multiple children’s books.)
- Lee, G. Y. Dust of Life: A True Ban Vinai Love Story.
- Levine, Ruth; Kinder, Molly. Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health.
- Lim, Shirley; Chua, Cheng Lok; Lim, Shirley Geok-Lin. Tilting the Continent: Southeast Asian American Writing.
- Miles, Steven. Oath Betrayed:Torture, Medical Complicity, and the War on Terror.
- Miles, Steven. The Leopard's Furies. Novel about the effort to hold a military doctor accountable for torturing prisoners. It summarizes what the author learned over the last twenty years of research on US and global human rights work. It also tells how survivors' groups heal and their emerging role in promoting justice. Although torture is a grim topic, those who care for survivors, work for justice and who find resilience are the most lovely people. This book is their story. Novels are a special way to speak truth. They build empathy where it is lacking. They create understanding of matters that are marginalized or taboo.
- Mortenson, Greg; Relin, David Oliver. Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Fight Terrorism and Build Nations…One School at a Time.
- Moua, Houa Vue; Rolland, Barbara J. Trail Through the Mists.
- Moua, Mai Neng. Bamboo Among the Oaks: Contemporary Writing by Hmong Americans.
- Nazario, Sonia. Enrique’s Journey.
- Osborn, Garth; Ohmans, Patricia. Finding Work in Global Health.
- Peterson, Scott. Me Against My Brother: At War in Somalia, Sudan, and Rwanda.
- Phan, Aimee. We Should Never Meet: Stories.
- Pipher, Mary. The Middle of Everywhere: Helping Refugees Enter the American Community.
- Rinpoche, C.N. & Shlim, D.R. Medicine & Compassion; A Tibetan Lama’s Guidance for Caregivers.
- Saykoa, Dr. Pao. The Root and The Fruit: Hmong Identity.
- Strom, Dao. Grass Roof, Tin Roof.
- Tsukiyama, Gail. The Samurai’s Garden.
- Ung, Loung. First They Killed My Father.
- Ung, Loung. Lucky Child.
- Yan, Yorn. New Americans, New Promise: A Guide to the Refugee Journey in America.
If you're in the Pathway, make sure you join the WhatsApp group to stay in touch! Ask Sarah to send you the join link.
For More Information
Global Medicine Pathway
Email [email protected]
Medicine-Pediatrics Trackway
(Medicine Pediatric Residents)
Visit the Medicine-Pediatrics Trackway website