Advocacy and Policy
The Department of Family Medicine and Community Health supports and encourages the essential role family medicine physicians play as advocates for their patients, community, and profession. These skills are taught longitudinally throughout the residency experience and highlighted in the following educational programs.
Community Health Course
All residents attend the Community Health course, which highlights the impacts that historical and current policies have on the social determinants of health in our communities. It emphasizes ways family medicine physicians can partner with communities to promote and enhance health. The course culminates with an afternoon of advocacy in which residents explore ways to engage in community and legislative advocacy.
Resident Advocacy Cohort (RAC)
Senior residents have the opportunity to enroll in the Resident Advocacy Cohort (RAC), which meets monthly for one year. Each session, participants learn new advocacy skills and apply them to an issue that is important to family medicine physicians and their communities. Skills taught include using social media, engaging with legislators, writing a resolution and op-ed, and participating in philanthropy.
Apply today:
Advocacy Resources
American Academy of Family Physicians
Stay informed on both state and federal issues. Learn how the AAFP is advancing family medicine via letters and statements on the issues facing family physicians.
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians
On this blog, you will find legislative updates, invitations to take action on issues or proposed legislation, advocacy tools and practice resources.
MAFP Advocacy Blog MAFP Advocacy Page
Minnesota Medical Association
The MMA has brought together many different tools and resources to help you become an effective advocate.
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
Take STFM's free Advocacy Course and learn to educate legislators on the value of family medicine, and encourage them to support expansion of a well-trained family medicine workforce.
Duke Communicator Toolkit
- Tracking the News
- Word Limits
- Structure
- Personal Voice
- How and Where to Submit
New York Times
*Note: Need a NYT subscription to read this article.
Tips for Aspiring Op-Ed Writers
University Relations
- Capitalization Rules Specific to the University of Minnesota
- Style Guides
- Additional Resources
Harvard Communications Program
- Distinguishing Characteristics of an Op-Ed or Column
- Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing an Op-Ed or Column
- Topic and Theme
- Research
- Openings
- Endings
- Voice
See Examples from Alumni:
Jan 1, 2021: "Take Care of Virus, and Your Hands," Mankato Free Press: By Lance Deeter, DO (Mankato), Rebecca Geiseker, MD (North Memorial), Elaina Hintsala-Fronden, MD (Duluth), and Thuy-Linh Nguyen, MD (Woodwinds)
Dec 21, 2020: "Doctors' View: Myths, Fears about Vaccine Can All Be Dispelled," Duluth News Tribune: By Anthony Hacker, MD (St Cloud) and Mattie Strub, MD (Methodist)
Nov 20, 2020: "Stay at Home: A COVID-19 Red Alert," St. Cloud Times: By Prakhya Bhatnagar, MD (St Cloud) and Kris Schwacha, DO (Smileys)
ACLU Tips on Writing
Letters to the editor are great advocacy tools. After you write letters to your members of Congress, sending letters to the editor can achieve other advocacy goals because they:
- Reach a large audience.
- Are often monitored by elected officials.
- Can bring up information not addressed in a news article.
- Create an impression of widespread support for or opposition to an issue.
Community Tool Box
Learn how to write and send effective print and e-mailed letters to editors of various media types, together with examples, that will gain both editorial and reader support.
- What is a letter to the editor?
- Why should you write it?
- When should you write it?
- Should you use email?
- How do you write it?
- How do you get it accepted?
Minnesota Legislature
Find out who represents you or if you know who represents you, use the House Member Information and Senate Member Information pages to see their contact information.
AAFP Speak Out
Use Speak Out to stay informed on the issues that matter most to your patients and your practice, spread the word to your colleagues, view current congressional schedules, and – most important – view your federal and state legislators and voice your opinion to them.
AAFP Advocacy Tracker
The Academy offers an array of resources to help you reach lawmakers and maximize the impact of your communication with them, whether by social media, phone or — best of all — in person.
University of Minnesota Relations
Social media can be a valuable addition to a robust communication strategy, but consider a few questions before you launch a new social media account.
Medical School Social Media Toolkit
Use this for best practices engaging on social media outlets following UMN medical school guidelines.
As physicians, our patients entrust us with their stories and experiences everyday, and we hear patterns of challenges, resources, opportunities. As a physician advocate, I get the opportunity to elevate and amplify these stories and patterns to create opportunities for changes and promote health for individual patients, in our local clinics and health systems and beyond
Dr. Katie Freeman
Members of the Resident Advocacy Cohort discuss methods to strengthen advocacy work.
What Alumni Say About Their Experience in RAC
The following quotes originally appeared in Minnesota Family Physician magazine.
"Learning about power mapping was huge, to understand how to make a game plan to talk to the right people. That informed some of the meetings I had early on with the offices of Senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar."
-Christy Atkinson, MD
"RAC has taught me concrete ways to approach advocacy work during residency, helped me understand the nuances of working with the legislature as a physician, and provided resources and support to further my research and work with medical-legal partnerships, including how to create written advocacy work for publication. I have learned so much from my peers in the RAC cohort and from our guest speakers."
-Kristina Chien, MD, JD