Clinical Informatics Fellowship
New for 2025!
Two Minneapolis Clinical Informatics Fellowship programs will merge to become the University of Minnesota Hennepin HealthCare Clinical Informatics Fellowship. The merger brings together the diverse experiences of a large, multi-hospital system and an independent, urban healthcare center. More information regarding the merger will be forthcoming.

We are seeking outstanding applicants for a two-year University of Minnesota Clinical Informatics Fellowship in the Twin Cities. The program is open to graduates of residency programs in any specialty. Fellows in the two-year clinical informatics fellowship program at the University of Minnesota Department of Family Medicine and Community Health will benefit from unique interdisciplinary support through the University's clinical partnership with M Health Fairview; strong informatics academics working with faculty and education and research programs in the Institute for Health Informatics; and embedded health system research and quality improvement enabled with data, technology, and innovation. Upon program completion, graduates will be equipped to pass the clinical informatics board exam with an excellent foundation in the field. Importantly, graduates of the program will also be highly competitive for employment in physician clinical informatics positions including leadership positions within health systems and industry.
Pictured above: A group of attendees at a recent American Medical Informatics Association conference.
The curriculum includes experience in these vital areas:
- Virtual Health
- Population Health
- Health Equity
- Imaging and Laboratory data
- Clinical Decision Support
- Quality and Safety
- Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence
- EHR Training and Support
- Revenue Cycle
- Governance
- IT Operations
- Project Management
- Change Management
Your training is in partnership with the M Health Fairview System, with the primary teaching site at the University of Minnesota Medical Center, and the Health Informatics Graduate Program through the Institute for Health Informatics.
Rotation Sites
Rotations include operational informatics competencies, research, and quality improvement projects.
M Health Fairview System Rotation
Fellows complete three 17-18 week rotations with various teams that function within the M Health Fairview (Fairview Health Services Information Technology) Team. The University of Minnesota Medical Center, with the broader M Health Fairview Health System (Fairview Health Systems and University of Minnesota Physicians with 10 hospitals, over 70 clinics, and post-acute services), is the primary site where rotations occur. Note that while the primary teaching site for these rotations is the University of Minnesota Medical Center, fellows will rotate to other office or clinical locations as needed, with the primary building for Fairview Health Services Information Technology being located at Stinson 323. See Program Curriculum for further details on rotations.
Elective Time
Fellows will have the option to complete rotations focused on complete self-designated clinical informatics focuses. Elective rotations must be completed at a funded site and can be used towards a research or quality improvement project.
Salary and Benefits
- Salary - $79,415 (year one), $82,649 (year two)
- Medical Insurance, flexible spending account (FSA), retirement plan. See details.
- Paid Time Off (PTO)
- Twenty-one days per contract year. Designed to cover vacations, health days and unexpected absences not covered by paid leave.
- Leave
- Parental leave - Upon request, a trainee may take six weeks of paid leave related to the birth, adoption, or gestational surrogacy of a child.
- Unpaid leave - May extend training - extended periods of leave available with FMLA. Other unpaid leave at program director’s discretion.
- Business expense allocation
- Up to $1,000 reimbursement per year for software, conference expenses, medical association memberships, and clinical textbooks and journals
- Moving allowance
- Up to $1,000 payment for relocation expenses
- Free parking
Mailing Address
420 Delaware Street SE, MMC 381
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Genevieve Melton-Meaux, MD, PhD
Program Director
[email protected]
Michelle Stoffel, MD, PhD
Associate Program Director
[email protected]
Brenda Dolejs
Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Office Address
6-240 Phillips-Wangensteen Building
516 Delaware St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Leo Arko, MD, MS, FAANS
Medical School: University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM
Residency: Neurosurgery, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Clinical Specialty: Pediatric Neurosurgery
CI Interests: AI integration into EHR, industry integration of external applications into EHR systems, clinical decision-making support, clinical use of machine learning models, and medical education.
Hobbies: Running, hiking, and traveling
Why Minnesota? I chose Minnesota for the opportunity to engage in a leading clinical informatics fellowship at the University of Minnesota. This program offers a robust platform for research and development with an established institute of health informatics, while also providing exposure to several large hospital systems. Additionally, the faculty is exceptional, with some members having a surgical background. On a personal level, this fellowship allows me to live close to family in the family-friendly environment of the Twin Cities. These professional and personal factors have made Minnesota an ideal choice for my fellowship.

Mikael Haeggstroem, MD
Medical School: Uppsala University, Sweden
Residency: Danbury Hospital, Connecticut
Clinical Specialty: Pathology (anatomic and clinical)
CI Interests: Digital pathology, laboratory information systems, education
Hobbies: Spending time with family, hiking, music, reading.
Why Minnesota? It reminds me of Scandinavia. I have family here, and the fellowship program has a very experienced and engaging faculty, as well as abundant education and research opportunities across multiple sites.

Carly Hudelson, MD, MSc
Medical School: Harvard Medical School
Residency: University of Washington, Internal Medicine Residency
Clinical Informatics Interests: Care delivery innovation, digital health
Hobbies: Art, fishing, and trips to the North Shore
Why Minnesota? The Clinical Informatics Fellowship has a great educational environment with wonderful mentors, and it offers fantastic hands-on experience working in diverse areas. Plus, it is great to get to live closer to my family!

Melissa Gunderson, MD
Medical School: University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Residency: University of Minnesota
Clinical specialty: Surgery
Clinical Informatics interests: surgical informatics, data sharing collaboratives
Bias Reporting at the University
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