Programmatic Courses

Programmatic courses are part of residency training for all eight programs and range in topics such as obstetrics, sexual medicine, sports medicine, and psychiatry.

  • Most of the courses are taught and directed by our faculty.
  • Medical students, community physicians, and health professionals are welcome to take selected courses.

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For Residents

Programmatic courses help fulfill important areas of the family medicine curriculum. Some courses are required, and some are electives. Attendance at the required courses in their entirety is mandatory for completing residency and will be closely monitored.

Required courses for our first-year residents

Required courses for our second-year residents

Elective courses for our second- and third-year residents

For Medical Students

Apply here for awards to attend our courses. 

For Community Physicians & Health Professionals

The following courses are open to community physicians and other health professionals. You may be eligible to claim CME credits in accordance with licensure regulations in your profession.

How to Register

Fees include tuition, syllabus, parking, refreshments, and lunch.

  • Please contact us first to reserve a spot and to confirm the date and location:
    Heidi Cerdas Monge, MBA, 612-625-0953, [email protected]

Photo & Video Release

We may take photos and/or videos of instructors and learners at our programmatic courses, and these may appear in the department’s and/or University of Minnesota’s marketing and promotional materials (e.g., brochures, posters, social media, websites, etc.). Your attendance constitutes your permission and consent for photography and video subsequent usage. If you do not want to be photographed or filmed, please let us know by contacting Heidi Cerdas Monge, MBA, [email protected].