We are proud of the more than 2,200 alumni from the Divisions of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science. We invite you to stay connected and involved by connecting with us on our social media accounts.
Class Reunion Leaders
We are grateful to the following alumni for serving as their class representative. If you don't see your class listed, please sign up today! By signing up to be a Class Representative, you will help find “lost” alumni, improve your class contact list, and help communicate to your classmates. After obtaining a class list, you can reach out to your classmates through personal networks, social media, by phone, web research, or Email.
2010 - Present
2010 Meghan Conrad / Brett Petersen / Brandon Schomberg
2011 Kate Priester Kaiser / Michelle Engberg
2012 Kaitlin Wagner
2013 Shannon Gates
2015 Katie Fandrey
2000 - 2009
2000 Kathy Moody / Rachel Bakken
2003 Darin Thom
2004 Kathy Ireland
2006 Lindsey Hamilton
2007 Rebecca Bernard Vogsland
2008 Jennifer Blackford Bredeson
1990 - 1999
1990 Candace Pella
1991 Judy Hawley
1994 Jason Helling
1995 Linda Koehler
1996 Rachel Randgaard Ruegemer
1997 Lori Hamilton Roy / Paul Spilde
1980 - 1989
1981 Erin Hammer Simunds
1982 Dean Erie / Laurie Cant Kuduk
1984 Ann Serbus Johnson / Lorraine Hoye
1986 Rebecca Acton Monteforte
1987 Nancy Buseth
1988 Elizabeth Lee
1970 - 1979
1971 Kathy Polga / Carol Naber
1972 Steve Avery
1973 Peg Novotny
1974 Mary Spieker Sutton
1975 Barb Wiegand / Martha Hokanson
1976 Erik Gram
1977 Charles Stewart
1960 - 1969
1960 Diana Kiffmeyer
1961 Judy Taplin
1962 Glenn Scudder
1963 Carol Lehner Paskewitz
1964 Ruth Purtilo
1966 Joan Purrington / Diane Femrite Peterson
1967 Gloria Brisson Gebhard / Lynn DeLapp Wingerd
1968 Teresa Dale-Pfister / Susan Braun-Johnson
1969 Lori Gilbertson Dahl
1950 - 1959
1950 Connie Burrill
1952 Pat Becker
1958 Donabelle Hansen
1959 Henry C. "Bud" Wessman
1940 - 1949
1946 Eleanor Daly
Certificate of Education
Need a Certificate of Education form completed? Please contact Kaleigh Roepke at [email protected].