Preparing for Sports Medicine Fellowship

Let us help you prepare for a sports medicine fellowship. We follow the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Fellowship Preparation Track, and the following resources and services will help you meet the AMSSM's goals.

Longitudinal Mentorship

We can facilitate mentorship with a physician who holds a Certificate of Added Qualifications in sports medicine. Please contact Carrie Kwiatkowski at [email protected] or 612-624-2455 for assistance.

Skills Enhancement

The department sponsors three sports medicine courses for our residents (note that course dates are TBD):

Scholarly Activity

Contact Carrie Kwiatkowski at [email protected] or 612-624-2455 for assistance with research collaboration and mentors.

Longitudinal Sports Medicine Didactics and Networking

These have been altered due to COVID-19. Please contact Carrie Kwiatkowski at [email protected] for up-to-date information.

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Grand Rounds

  • Athletic Medicine Grand Rounds
    Location: Virtual
    Date/time: Fourth Wednesday each month, 7 am-8 am

Journal Club

Fairview Sports Medicine Journal Club is open to healthcare professionals and students at no charge.

Location: Virtual

Date/time: Second Wednesday each month, 7 am - 8 am

To be added to the mailing list for articles or for more information, contact the Department of Orthopedics at [email protected]

Annual CME Opportunities (Not Comprehensive)

  • Twin Cities Sports Medicine Conference
    Held during Twin Cities Marathon weekend, usually the first weekend in October
  • Fairview Sideline Review
    Held in August
  • Allina Health Sports Medicine Conference
    Held in July

National Meetings

Membership in at least one national organization is recommended.

  • American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM)
    AMSSM provides a forum to foster professional relationship among sports medicine physicians to advance the discipline of sports medicine through education, research, advocacy, and excellence in patient care. Its annual meeting is held in late April to early May.
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
    ACSM advances and integrates scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine. Its annual meeting is held in late May to early June.

Mass Events

Please contact Carrie Kwiatkowski at [email protected] or 612-624-2455 for details and scheduling facilitation.

Sideline Coverage

First-year residents

Sideline coverage is not assigned in the first year of residency due to licensure. It's recommended that you focus on residency requirements and study during your first year. Sideline observation may be available.

Second- and third-year residents

Sideline coverage as a team physician should be coordinated and precepted through your residency program. It's optimal for the high school community you serve if there is continuity of service during both second and third years. For assistance with coordination, please contact Carrie Kwiatkowski at [email protected] or 612-624-2455.

Event Coverage

Additional Resources

  • Second-year and Third-year Visiting Resident Elective
    Contact Carrie Kwiatkowski at [email protected] for more information

Local didactic opportunities are frequently available. To learn of current offerings, please contact Carrie Kwiatkowski at [email protected] or 612-624-2455.