The Family Medicine Class of 2024 Looks to the Future
We are in the midst of an exciting time for family medicine. The recent successes we have witnessed are largely due to the unequaled leadership of our residents and faculty.
Earlier this year, the University of Minnesota/CentraCare Willmar Rural Family Medicine Residency Program received accreditation by the ACGME – making it the first rural training site in Minnesota. The group effort toward this achievement is just one example of remarkable collaboration – in this case, eventually resulting in a more robust pipeline of rural primary care physicians.
Indeed, the role of family physicians in healthcare is becoming increasingly indispensable in today’s global community. This year, the National Resident Matching Program announced the highest-ever number of family medicine residency spots – and filled them all. We are honored to play a critical role in training these much-needed physicians.
Family Medicine Graduates and Their Future Plans
This year’s graduating class included the following:
- Forty-eight family medicine residents and two pharmacy residents across seven residencies
- Seventeen students in the Master of Professional Studies in Sexual Health program
- Five hospice and palliative medicine fellows
- Two clinical informatics fellows
- One sexual and gender health fellow, and
- Two sports medicine fellows
Around 70 percent of our graduates are staying in Minnesota to practice their specialty. Here is the full breakdown:
- Twenty-seven percent will practice in rural Minnesota
- Thirty-nine percent will practice in urban areas within Minnesota
- Eighty-six percent indicated their plans included outpatient family medicine work
- Around 20.4 percent will practice in the Midwest (excluding Minnesota)
In addition, nine graduates are pursuing outpatient or family medicine with OB; five graduates have plans that include inpatient work; four are pursuing additional education; and two are going to practice in an urgent care setting.
We connected with a few of our resident graduates to discover where they are headed next. True to the uniquely broad nature of family medicine itself, each has a different path – yet all are connected by a shared dedication to the same values. These values include collaboration, innovation, an unwavering commitment to patients, healthcare equity, and a deep capacity for kindness and compassion.
Ethan Burlingame, DO, graduate of Duluth Family Medicine Residency Program
“I will be doing inpatient and outpatient medicine in Two Harbors, Minnesota, at Lake View. My future goal is to provide full-scope care to the community.”
Dani Day, DO, graduate of North Memorial Family Medicine Residency Program
“I will be completing a one-year sports medicine fellowship at the University of Minnesota with the ultimate goal of working as a primary care sports medicine physician (including clinic, sport/event coverage). I’m thankful for the training I received at Broadway/North Memorial for shaping me into the doctor I am!”
Caroline Nyamweya Tekeste, DO, graduate of North Memorial Family Medicine Residency Program
“It is a great honor, and also quite humbling to be graduating from residency. After graduation, I will take a position as a full-time hospitalist. I will spend the year working and applying to law school. It is my hope to matriculate in law school in the fall of 2025.
“When I embarked on the journey to become a physician, my motivation stemmed from a desire to serve those amongst us that are most vulnerable, alienated, minoritized, and exploited. With an education in both law and medicine, I will be better equipped to serve as an advocate to advance social justice and equity through medicine.
“I am grateful for the professional development and support I have received at the University of Minnesota North Memorial Family Medicine Residency Program. I have been able to participate in meaningful advocacy through the Minnesota Medical Association Health Equity Committee, the department’s Residency Advocacy Cohort, and through elective rotations in community health and global health facilitated by my residency program. The advocacy opportunities, and the experiences I have had, have clarified how I am going to serve others through medicine: by using my expertise in medicine and in law to advance healing, social justice, and equity. I am proud of my achievements this far. I remain humble because I still have much work to do.”
David Marshall, MD, MPH, graduate of North Memorial Family Medicine Residency Program
“I will be joining the faculty at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) Menomonee Falls Family Medicine Residency, continuing to provide inpatient, outpatient, and obstetric services in the Milwaukee area. But most of all, I’m so excited to be back in the same city as my wife, Çağla Muslu, who is a rising third-year resident in anesthesiology at MCW!”
Alex Shaykevich, DO, graduate of CentraCare St. Cloud Family Medicine Residency Program
“I will be practicing outpatient family medicine at the M Health Fairview clinic in Elk River, Minnesota!”
Kim Lundeen, MD, graduate of St. John’s Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program
“I will be working in outpatient family medicine with OB at the Fairview Rice Street Clinic in St. Paul. I'll be spending some much-needed time with my kids this summer after graduation!”
Jessica Jordan, DO, graduate of UMN Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program
“I am excited to be taking a hybrid family medicine clinic/hospitalist - OB position in rural Vermillion, South Dakota, with Sanford. I am excited to take my knowledge of gender-affirming care and reproductive justice into my new state! My two-year-old will be surrounded by most grandparents and has no idea how much love is waiting for him!”
Emily Feng, MD, graduate of UMN Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program
“I am heading to Boston to complete a fellowship in faculty development and will be earning a Master of Education degree. My hope for the future is finding a way to balance a fulfilling and meaningful career and a fulfilling and meaningful home life.”
Najaha Musse, DO, graduate of Woodwinds Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program
“After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in direct primary care focusing on health equity. My goal is to create a patient-centered practice that prioritizes prevention, education, and empowerment. I hope to advocate for policies that put patient interests over profit margins, working towards a more just and equitable healthcare system. My ultimate aim is to make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of my community, particularly for marginalized populations.”
Wishing Our Graduates Success
As our 2024 graduates forge their path in family medicine, we are excited to witness their achievements. If you would like to stay connected to our department and follow some of our graduates’ stories, subscribe to the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health alumni newsletter.