On Friday, June 1, the Department of Medicine celebrated Diabetes Research Day 2023. The annual event is co-sponsored and organized by the department's Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism T32 program, Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, and Lazarow Lectureship. This year’s event featured seven abstract presentations showcasing outstanding basic and translational research in diabetes and metabolism.

Another highlight of Diabetes Research Day was the Lazarow Lecture, which honors Dr. Arnold Lazarow, former Professor of Anatomy and American Diabetes Association Banting Medal recipient (1973). This year we were honored to welcome Dr. Juleen Zierath from Sweden's Karolinska Institute as the 2023 Lazarow Lecture guest speaker. Dr. Zierath presented her lecture, "Where will the future of exercise biology take us? Leveraging lifestyle interventions to manage type 2 diabetes," in person at the event. She is renowned in her field and is a member of the Nobel Assembly and the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine.