Honors & Awards

The Medical School recognizes and celebrates the members of our community who are making significant advances within our mission areas of research, education, and clinical care. We strive to attract a diverse pool of nominees for awards by sponsoring and including nominations that reflect the broad range of identities in our Medical School, such as race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, national origin, religious practice, and socioeconomic status.

The Medical School considers nominees for awards for the following:

Faculty awards for the University of Minnesota, national awards, and international awards (by month of deadline)

**NOTE: Deadlines are subject to change. Information will be updated accordingly.

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Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering – awarded every two years

For information about faculty awards, contact the Office of Faculty Affairs, ms-ofa@umn.edu

For information about faculty educator, student, resident, and Duluth awards, contact Marianne Watters, mwatters@umn.edu.

For information about alumni awards, contact Maureen Long, mlong@umn.edu.

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Submit a suggestion for a faculty member for an internal University of Minnesota award (University level), or a national and international award by filling out this form. OFA will assist departments with assembling the materials for review by the Medical School Awards and Nominations Committee and the final submission material if a nominee is selected to move forward.


  • For a list of national and international awards, please visit the Medical School Intranet.
  • Center for Women and Medicine and Science (CWIMS) Nominations and Letters of Support Toolkit
    • This toolkit includes key considerations, helpful resources, and templates to be utilized by award/recognition nominators and individuals preparing a letter of support. See an introduction video of the toolkit below.