Intentional Observational Exercises - Virtual Critical Care Curriculum
PI / Dept: Ronald Reilkoff | Medicine
Overview: Develop a series of virtual critical care cases to supplement clinical experience and enhance intentional observational skills in patient assessments as part of virtual Sub-Internship curriculum. Emphasis of diagnosis is placed towards key conditions regularly encountered during sub-Internship curriculum and in graduation bases competencies. Students will be presented with a video of a critically ill patient and from simple observation are required to make an overall assessment of the patient circumstance, identify a detailed problem list and from within this identity lapses in knowledge and information and develop a plan moving forward for further care of the patient utilizing a structured format (note template). Cases will be presented via video format utilizing flipgrip social media learning platform, akin to presentation on clinical rounds with peer and attending feedback with an accompanying formal progress note.
Budget 10000 | Summary: Faculty support for development, simulation, stipends for assessors.
Group recommendation: We support this pending linkage to the graduation competencies.
This project is supported by the UMN COVID-19 Medical Education Innovation Grants, which support full-time faculty (educators, investigators or clinical) or P&A educators at the University of Minnesota Medical School to develop education (basic science or clinical) and simulation projects related to COVID-19, more general pandemic-related knowledge and skills, or professional development activities that would be possible during this time of shelter at home.