Foundations in Health Equity
PI: Taj Mustapha - Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
Overview: While Minnesota is a national leader in overall health outcomes, the health outcomes for black, brown, and native populations are among the worst in the nation. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has only accentuated these disparities, by highlighting the differences in testing availability, deployment of mobile health sites and services, access to virtual care, and the ability of communities with limited housing options to adhere to social distancing recommendations. This stark disparity highlights the urgency of addressing health inequity in our community. Additionally, recent years have shown increased LCME emphasis on issues pertaining to Health Equity. Specifically, this course strives to promote LCME guidance to “… ensure that the medical curriculum provides opportunities for medical students to recognize and appropriately address gender and cultural biases in themselves, in others, and in the healthcare delivery process.” This course includes 8 modules that include virtual lectures, virtual small group discussions, and independent study with focused videos, readings, and interactive activities. Students will be asked to complete a final project on a health equity topic of their choice. This course can be deployed as a virtual elective, encouraging students to delve into the study of health equity by learning about the bidirectional relationship between medicine and social factors, the development and propagation of disparities, and physicians’ role in advocacy. Modules consist of presentations from experts, supplemental resources, interactive activities, small group discussions, and reflection assignments.
Budget: 8800 - Intercultural Development Inventory Assessment Qualification Seminar ($4800) this seminar qualifies the primary instructor and two administrators to deliver the Intercultural Development Inventory to participants. This certification does not expire, and will allow these individuals to administer the IDI across the organization indefinitely. Intercultural Development Inventory Assessments ($12 per student x up to 60 students = $720) Reading materials for students (not available electronically through the library) include “Contagious Divides: Epidemics and Race in San Francisco’s Chinatown” ($25) “White Fragility” ($13) and “Superior: The return of race science” ($18) with a total cost of $56 per student x up to 60 students = $3,360 When funding expires, IDI instructors will still be able to conduct assessments, which may then have to become optional for students if unable to be funded by student fees. Reading materials will be accessible by library loan when social-distancing measures are eased.
This project is supported by the UMN COVID-19 Medical Education Innovation Grants, which support full-time faculty (educators, investigators or clinical) or P&A educators at the University of Minnesota Medical School to develop education (basic science or clinical) and simulation projects related to COVID-19, more general pandemic-related knowledge and skills, or professional development activities that would be possible during this time of shelter at home.