Nomination Requirements
The Medical Alumni Society is seeking nominations for the Harold S. Diehl Award, the Distinguished Alumni Award, and the Early Distinguished Career Award.
The Harold S. Diehl Award, presented to an individual who has made outstanding professional contributions to the Medical School throughout his or her career, has been awarded annually since its inception in 1962. The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes Medical School alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their local, regional, or national community through medical practice, teaching, research or other humanitarian activities. The Early Distinguished Career Alumni Award recognizes exemplary work of alumni physicians early in their career, no more than 15 years after graduation.
Nominations should include: primary letter of nomination, at least one supporting letter of nomination, and a CV or detailed account of the nominee’s accomplishments. Nominations for the Harold S. Diehl Award are held on file for five years. Nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award and Early Distinguished Career Alumni Award are not held after recipients are chosen each year.
To submit a nomination for one of these awards, please compile all appropriate nomination materials as detailed above and forward them to:
Alumni Awards Committee
University of Minnesota Medical School
C-696 Mayo Memorial Building, MMC 293
420 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Nominations may also be e-mailed to Maureen Long at [email protected]
All nominations must be received by October 13, 2023. Award recipients will be honored at the Medical School Alumni Awards Banquet in December 2023.