Organizationally, the Institute for Translational Neuroscience is led by its director and steering committee with the director reporting to the vice president for health sciences and dean of the Medical School. The steering committee was formed with the intention to bring together the neuroscience leaders from different departments and the founding centers at the University of Minnesota. These members are leaders in their fields of interest and pioneers in break through neuro-related research.
The steering committee was charged to connect basic neuroscientific discovery to improving clinical care and new treatments and therapies. The steering committee members and the centers represent the breadth of strength and opportunity in the translational neurosciences across the University.
The director and steering committee was also given the following responsibilities:
- Develop goals for, prioritize the activities of, and develop a work plan to achieve the goals for the institute.
- Work with the director, as chair of the steering committee, to develop a compact and work plan to achieve the goals, and a budget that supports the efforts. This compact, work plan and budget need to be developed and approved by the AVPCS, with the oversight of the SVPHS. The Director will have final decision authority for the approved program and budget, and accountability for their implementation.
- Coordinate activities among the ITN centers and the neurosciences community; support communications and facilitate connections among the centers.
- Develop mechanisms (incentives, etc) for ensuring connectivity and communication along the basic/translational/clinical research spectrum.
- Develop and implement a process for annual review and performance reporting for the institute.
Harry Orr, PhD
Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology; Co-Director, Center for Neurodegenerative Disease
[email protected]
Dongming Cai, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Neurology; Director, N. Bud Grossman Center for Memory Research and Care
Carrie Haskell-Luevano, PhD
Professor & Philip S. Portoghese Endowed Chair in Chemical Neuroscience
[email protected]
Paul Mermelstein, PhD
Department Head and Professor, Neuroscience
[email protected]
Tay Netoff, PhD
[email protected]
Kamil Ugurbil, PhD
Professor, Departments of Radiology, Neuroscience and Medicine, Director, Center for Magnetic Resonance Research
[email protected]
Sophia Vinogradov, MD
Department Head and Professor
[email protected]
Jerrold Vitek, MD, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Neurology
Clinic: 612-626-6688
[email protected]
Laura Berg
Program & Project Specialist
[email protected]
Rosalyn Segal
Administrative Director
[email protected]