

Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD
Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD

Dean, Vice President for Clinical Affairs

Kevin Diebel, PhD
Kevin Diebel, PhD

Regional Dean, Duluth campus

Timothy Schacker, MD

Executive Vice Dean

William Siebert
William Sibert

Associate Dean and Chief Financial Officer

Christopher Fallert, MD
Christopher Fallert, MD

Regional Dean, CentraCare Regional Campus, St. Cloud.

Vice Deans

peter crawford
Peter Crawford, MD, PhD

Vice Dean for Research

Ana Nunez, MD, FACP

Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Bevan Yueh, MD, MPH
Bevan Yueh, MD, MPH

Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs

Senior Associate Deans

Jeffrey Chipman, MD

Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education

Genevieve Melton Meaux
Genevieve Melton-Meaux, MD, PhD

Senior Associate Dean for Health Informatics and Data Science

Susan Culican, MD, Phd
Susan Culican, MD, PhD

Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education

Associate Deans

Gregory Beilman, MD

Associate Dean for DoD Research and Partnerships

Raymond Christensen, MD

Associate Dean for Rural Health

Denis Clohisy, MD

Associate Dean for Surgical and Procedural Specialties

Catherine McCarty, PhD, MPH, HEC-C

Associate Dean for Research

Kris Hogquist
Kristin Hogquist, PhD

Associate Dean for Foundational Science and Gender Equity

Michael Lipscomb, PhD

Associate Dean for Graduate Education

Mary Owen, MD

Associate Dean for Native American Health

Christopher Tignanelli, MD, MS, FACS, FAMIA

Associate Dean for Data Science

Elizabeth Seaquist, MD
Elizabeth Seaquist, MD

Associate Dean for Medical Specialties and Primary Care

Clarence Shannon
Clarence Shannon, MD

Associate Dean for Strategy and Innovation

Dr. Ghebre
Rahel Ghebre, MD

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs