Medical School Alumni Board

Mission & Vision

Mission: Build, cultivate and maintain an inclusive, supportive alumni-centered community within the Medical School by fostering engagement, contributions and connections among alumni, students, faculty and staff.

Vision: Alumni will continue their engagement after graduation proud of their status as alumni, dedicated as a lifelong contributor and actively engaged in an alumni-centered culture that supports the Medical School, fellow alumni and current students.


The Medical School Alumni Board is composed of 19 diverse MD alumni from the Twin Cities and Duluth campuses. Members work together to engage alumni, support student development and advocate for Medical School priorities, including philanthropy initiatives.

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Responsibilities of Board Members

All board members will:

  • Serve on at least one committee, and prepare for and actively participate as required by their chosen committee
  • Attend events as they are able, including own class reunion
  • Suggest alumni to be featured in Medical School profiles
  • Identify alumni for annual alumni awards and encourage, facilitate or complete required nomination materials for submission
  • Recruit prospective board members and committee volunteers
  • Be a good steward of staff and financial resources and execute board goals with budgetary discipline
  • Cultivate inclusive excellence by considering an equity lens in all activities and to strive to design alumni engagement opportunities that appeal to and serve a diverse population of alumni
  • Participate in learning activities to expand knowledge of DEI best practices
  • Promote news and events with professional and personal networks to support the Medical School’s mission and boost rankings
  • Make at least one gift annually to the Medical School that is personally meaningful to each board member

Desired Qualifications, Skills & Attributes

Required Qualifications:

  • Must be a graduate of the Medical School’s MD program or MD/joint degree program
  • Ability to represent the Medical School alumni community to all stakeholders while acting as an ambassador for the Medical School 
  • Willingness to devote time as a board member serving the five pillars of the Medical School mission: research, education, patient care, community and legacy
  • Ability to attend meetings and actively contribute either in person or via Zoom (training provided). Members must have access to a computer with a reliable internet connection.
  • Integrity to serve as a trusted supporter of the Medical School Alumni Relations Office and help to implement the MSAR team’s strategic plan
  • Willingness to cultivate inclusive excellence by considering an equity lens in all activities and to strive to design alumni engagement opportunities that appeal to and serve a diverse population of alumni
  • Strong communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to think independently and work collaboratively with others
  • Collegial and respectful approach toward colleagues and their views
  • Ability to respect confidentiality of board discussions, act with discretion and speak with one voice when representing Medical School alumni in the community
  • Ability to work within a budget, create sustainable programs, etc.

Preferred Qualifications – Applicants may possess these skills or have the willingness to learn them:

  • Knowledge of Medical School priorities as it pertains to our constituents and community
  • Previous experience as a board member, especially for a non-profit organization
  • Knowledge of online collaboration tools (e.g., Google Drive) 
  • Social media experience 

Time Commitment

Below is the anticipated time commitment for board members.  Additional meetings may be called as needed.

  • Board meetings: 2 per year, 2 hours each
  • Executive Committee: 2 per year, 1 hour prior to board meetings, or as needed
  • Committee meetings: ~3-4 per year, 1.5 hours each
  • Other activities: ~1-2 hours per month

Responsibilities of Committee Members

Committee members will:

  • Regularly attend and participate in committee meetings, either in person or remotely
  • Attend and participate in Alumni Board meetings: two annually, either in person or remotely
  • Represent the Medical School community at virtual or on-site events to strengthen alumni connections and further the reputation of the Medical School
  • Appoint a Committee Chair to represent the committee at Executive Committee meetings and larger Alumni Board gatherings. The Chair may send a designated member to Executive Committee meetings to report on progress and updates.

Committees of the Board

The work of the Alumni Board is done by four committees.  The Alumni Engagement & Events Committee, the Philanthropy Committee and the Student Engagement Committee are made up of a distribution of board members that ensures a diverse range of perspectives is represented on each committee. Each of these three committees is led by a committee chair. The Executive Committee comprises the board President and the three committee chairs.

For a detailed description of the work of each committee, click the committee name below.

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Executive Committee

What is the Executive Committee?

The Executive Committee is composed of four alumni members of the board - the President and the chairs of each of the committees. The committee will work together with staff members from the University of Minnesota Medical School Alumni Relations (MSAR) team and the University of Minnesota Foundation (UMF) to provide oversight and guidance to the board as it works to further the missions of the Medical School, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and the Medical School Alumni Relations Office (MSAR).

What are the Committee’s responsibilities?

The Executive Committee will provide leadership and representation for the board as a whole.

Committee success could be accomplished by:

  • Working with MSAR staff to determine available days to schedule full board meetings and committee meetings
  • Setting the agenda for board meetings in collaboration with MSAR staff
  • Sharing reports on activities taking place in the committees led by the chairs
  • Evaluating committee chair reports and providing feedback to ensure that planned engagement is mission-focused, accessible and appeals to the diverse alumni community
  • Driving specific initiatives related to diversity, equity and inclusion, rural health, and government relations
  • Serving as board representatives and networking at UMF and other events
  • Speaking at events on behalf of the board as needed
  • Writing the message for the Medical School alumni newsletter and additional publications as needed

The President may fulfill the following tasks:

  • Drive agenda for each board meeting and Executive Committee meeting
  • Work with MSAR staff to monitor term end dates, communicate with board members whose terms are ending, determine if board members want to reapply for a subsequent term and notify MSAR staff for application materials
  • Contact and announce new board members
  • Write and/or sign letters for philanthropic appeals
  • Sign letters to award winners
  • Sign letters to and steward new alumni
  • Attend alumni events as a representative of the board (commencement, orientation, etc.)
  • Attend class reunions to welcome alumni and support philanthropic appeals
  • Other duties as needed

 What skills, attributes and interests are desired for a member of this committee?

  • Ability to see larger picture and identify potential return on investment of proposed activities
  • Ability to consider and encourage others to consider multiple perspectives and lead the board to design activities and recruit prospective board members that engage and represent the diverse population of alumni
  • Strong leadership, communication and collaboration skills
  • Willingness to reach out to networks with messaging and to ask for action

Executive Committee (printable version)

Alumni Engagement & Events Committee

What is the Alumni Engagement & Events Committee?

The Alumni Engagement & Events Committee is composed of at least six Medical School Alumni Board members as well as staff members from the Alumni Relations team. The committee will work together to facilitate alumni-to-alumni connections to increase alumni participation through a variety of engagement opportunities. The committee will work together to further the missions of the Medical School, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and the Medical School Alumni Relations Office (MSAR).

What are the Committee’s responsibilities?

The Engagement & Events Committee will collaborate with Alumni Relations staff to ensure that alumni feel welcome to engage in events and programming to strengthen the participation of all members. The committee will ensure that outreach efforts include opportunities for alumni to share their experiences through a variety of mediums and platforms to enrich the connection with each other and their alma mater. The committee chair or designated member will report the committee’s progress and updates to the Executive committee and larger board.

Committee success could be accomplished by:

  • Designing engagement activities with an equity lens in mind that appeal to and serve a diverse population of alumni 
  • Assisting with planning and organizing the flagship event (Annual Alumni Celebration) which includes class reunion groups, encouraging alumni to attend, and suggesting potential activities and connections during the reunion week
  • Supporting development of virtual engagement events (e.g., webinars), recommend diverse speakers/panelists, encourage attendance among alumni, and share responsibility for hosting
  • Finding creative ways to engage alumni while operating within a limited budget
  • Providing input on topics for professional development opportunities (CME-related events)
  • Identifying other meaningful opportunities for the committee to pursue
  • Serve as alumni liaison at external events, e.g., professional conferences, UMAA events, etc.
  • Stewarding connections with fellow alumni through 1:1 touchpoints and encouraging alumni to share their professional experiences through a variety of mediums
  • Celebrating and engaging alumni milestones throughout the year
  • Advocating at the state legislature as needed

What skills, attributes and interests are desired for a member of this committee?

  • Detail-oriented while seeing the big picture of an event or engagement program
  • Motivated and enthusiastic about networking and engaging with colleagues and alumni
  • Willingness to work independently, as well as part of this team, and to interact with other committees
  • Event planning and organization
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to offer transparency at every level when planning an event

Alumni Engagement & Events Committee (printable version)

Philanthropy Committee

What is the Philanthropy Committee?

The Philanthropy Committee is composed of at least six Medical School Alumni Board members as well as staff members from the University of Minnesota Medical School and University of Minnesota Foundation (UMF). The committee will work together to further the missions of the Medical School, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and the Medical School Alumni Relations Office (MSAR).

What are the Committee’s responsibilities?

The philanthropy committee will work together to further advancement and development goals for the Medical School and UMF. The committee chair or designated member will report the committee’s progress and updates to the Executive committee and larger board.

Committee success could be accomplished by:

  • Leveraging networks and connections to further philanthropic outreach to alumni and friends of the Medical School
  • Partnering with MSAR and UMF to steward donors and volunteers in a meaningful way that builds strong and lasting relationships
  • Being an advocate for Medical School funding priorities and initiatives on both the Twin Cities and Duluth campuses, including scholarships, buildings and equipment, programs, research, etc.
  • Raising awareness and support for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives, including scholarships for students who are underrepresented in medicine
  • Representing Medical School alumni at scholarship and donor events and recruiting select alumni and prospective donors to attend 
  • Strategizing with UMF partners to identify major gift prospects and improve the Reunion Giving program
  • Providing funds and identifying key donors or “match” supporters for crowdfunding initiatives such as the University-wide Give to the Max Day
  • Hosting small gatherings in your home or other venue or serving as a table host at donor events
  • Writing and signing mail copy or email copy for Annual Giving letters to promote scholarship fundraising and other timely fundraising causes
  • Suggesting donors and scholarship recipients to highlight in the monthly Alumni Alert newsletter
  • Identifying other meaningful opportunities for the committee to pursue

What skills, attributes, or interests are desired for a member of this committee?

  • Knowledge and experience with non-profit giving
  • Passion for scholarship support and its impact on students
  • Willingness to reach out to personal and professional networks with messaging and to ask for action
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Philanthropy Committee (printable version)

Student Engagement Committee

What is the Student Engagement Committee?

The Student Engagement Committee is composed of at least five Medical School Alumni Board members as well as staff members from the Alumni Relations team. The committee will work together to further the missions of the Medical School, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and the Medical School Alumni Relations Office (MSAR). 

What are the Committee’s responsibilities?

The student engagement committee will cultivate relationships with current Medical School students to further their personal and professional growth and prepare them for specialty discernment and future residency matches. Furthermore, the committee will aid the MSAR team by building a pipeline of connected and engaged future alumni of the Medical School. The committee chair or designated member will report the committee’s progress and updates to the Executive committee and larger board.

Committee success could be accomplished by:

  • Approaching all work with a diversity, equity and inclusion lens through activities such as creating resources for student rotations and experiences or hosting prospective students in your home
  • Contribute content that helps to inform and guide students with professional development and academic growth
  • Participate or recommend colleagues to serve as speakers or volunteers in career development opportunities, such as networking and specialty exploration events
  • Oversee and lead efforts to strengthen and diversify alumni mentoring programs
  • Hosting small gatherings of students in your home or other venue that could include virtual events
  • Aiding the Medical School Admissions Office in recruiting a diverse body of bright new students by recommending the Medical School to prospective students, serving as application review members, composing recruitment materials, etc.
  • Providing support for the Duluth Clinical Rotation Housing program
  • Partnering with the MSAR team to recruit alumni volunteers for the HOST/eHOST program to better support MS4 students as they attend residency interviews
  • Identifying other meaningful opportunities for the committee to pursue

What skills, attributes and interests are desired for a member of this committee?

  • Ability to share your knowledge and experience with the future generation of medicine in a variety of group sizes and settings
  • Motivated and enthusiastic about networking and engaging with students
  • Understanding of proper professional networking etiquette
  • Ability to give honest and direct feedback in a helpful manner

Student Engagement Committee (printable version)


We all bring different perspectives and viewpoints to medicine. Fully engaging all membership in our missions is a goal of inclusive excellence. We strive to create an atmosphere where differences are valued and celebrated. Institutional diversity is just, fuels the advancement of knowledge, promotes improved patient care and fosters inclusive excellence. We will engage a culturally aware alumni body to meet the needs of the diverse populations we serve. We especially strive to have our community better reflect the broad range of identities in our state, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, national origin, religious practice and socioeconomic status.



Maureen Long
[email protected]