Improvement Summary
LCME Quality Improvement Focus Areas
Improvements are continuously made based on ongoing student feedback and are communicated whenever possible. However, it can be hard to keep track of them. The summaries provided below are intended to highlight some of the key programs and improvements that have taken place.
Curriculum Content & Educational Experiences
- UMMS students consistently report on the AAMC Graduation Questionnaire that the medical school prepares them to care for patients from different backgrounds, typically exceeding the national average. For example, 96.5% of UMMS graduating students in the Class of 2022 indicated being prepared to care for patients from different backgrounds.
- UMMS students consistently report on the AAMC Graduation Questionnaire that the medical school prepares them to have the communication skills necessary to interact with other health professionals (interprofessional collaborative skills). For example, 98.8% of UMMS graduating students in the Class of 2022 indicated being prepared to communicate with other health professionals.
- DEI Thread Directors, in collaboration with Clerkship Directors are addressing race-based medicine in the curriculum
- The Anti-Racism Summer Reading Program has completed its second year since its inception and introduces important concepts during new student orientation
- The faculty, curriculum leadership, and the DEI thread directors have developed procedures for collecting, analyzing, and addressing feedback on DEI issues through course feedback cards
The M Simulation team updated the standardized patient program and simulation scenarios offering improved diversity - Academic Advisors are trained as lntercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Qualified Administrators
- DEI mentors have been hired to support clerkship students who microaggressions in learning environments
- Student feedback about interprofessional experiences (IPE) has led to the streamlining of online and in-person components of Better Together and improving the Community Teacher debriefing session
- The IPE team developed and launched the 1Health IPE simulation experience to more closely resemble the types of interprofessional interactions students experience in clinical environment
- The IPE team improved the clarity and communication about the IPE purpose and expected competencies across the 4-year continuum of medical education
Assessment in the Clinical Environment
- Recent clerkship evaluation data since May 2022 reflects the following improvements:
All required clerkships now show between 97-100% of students reporting having received mid-clerkship feedback (as of 12/31/22 clerkship evaluations)- All required clerkships show between 95-100% of students indicating they were observed performing the relevant portions of the history and physical exam
- All required clerkships show between 84-98% of students believe the quality of formative feedback meets or exceeds their expectations
- All required clerkships have demonstrated significant improvement in the quantity of formative feedback, with only 1-13% of students indicating that there is still too little formative feedback
- As of May 2022 a new, standardized assessment form has been implemented - the Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA). This form standardizes the process for mid-clerkship and end-of clerkship formative feedback and improves consistency across all clerkships.
- Clerkship students receive frequent, impactful formative feedback, including feedback on History and Physical Exam skills, through the establishment of the Assessment and Coach ng Experts (ACEs) program starting in Academic Year 2021-2022. This program includes the hiring of 13 ACEs and a Director deployed at major clinical teaching sites
- Clerkship students are now provided with updated syllabi that delineate the “relevant portion(s)" of the H&P examination that are to be observed during the clerkship
Student Services - Clinical facilities during required clerkships
- Recent clerkship evaluation data since May 2022 reflects the following improvements:
- 94-100% of students report being satisfied with secure storage during their required core clerkships
- 88-100% of students report being satisfied with study space during their required core clerkships
- Onsite visits to all major clinical sites were conducted in the spring 2022 to inventory availability of secure storage and study space during required clerkships
- Purchased or secured new student-only lockers at sites with identified deficiencies, including Hennepin, Regions, Riverside Professional Building, and UMMC West Bank
- Created the Clinical Spaces Resource Sheet summarizing secure storage and study space options at major clinical sites. The Fact sheet is available to all students in Canvas, on the Clinical Scheduling Guide web page, referenced during clerkship orientations, and distributed to all site directors annually
- Developed an online feedback form for students to submit updates or report issues with secure storage and study space during required clerkships
- Conduct quarterly monitoring of student satisfaction with secure storage and study space on clerkship evaluations; sites below target trigger a CQI process
- Improved communication to students about clerkship evaluation results through the monthly Student Affairs newsletter
Student Services - Career development
- Hired an additional cross-campus career advising coordinator to provide workshops and career resources specifically for preclerkship students
- Hired a fourth academic advisor to increase academic advising capacity and scheduling services on the Twin Cities campus
- Added a sixth Faculty Advisor in Duluth to increase advising services on the Duluth campus
- Added three dedicated Twin Cities Faculty Advisors (one per House) to advise and counsel all Duluth students during their clinical years and serve as secondary advisors during years 1-2
- Implemented new AAMC Careers in Medicine professional development sessions and trainings for both DU and TC Faculty Advisors to expand non-primary care information and resources
- Reviewed the list of department-specific Specialty Experts with the respective Department Heads to ensure the right faculty were in these roles
- Developed Academic Advisor, Faculty Advisor, and Specialty Expert checklists to improve career discernment, specialty preparation, and Residency Match success
- Developed downloadable class-specific career and professional development checklists for medical students to keep track of timely engagement activities/tasks/resources in one place
- Established a Career Counseling Advisory Board of students in all classes, staff, and faculty to align career advising initiatives with current needs and to provide value-added programming and resources
- Held the first annual virtual career fair for TC and DU preclerkship students that included representation from 8 specialties (Primary Care, Surgically Based, and Hospital Based)