Name: Rishi Sharma (he/him/his), MS4
What aspects of the curriculum at University of Minnesota Medical School are your favorite?
There is an emphasis on learning for the purpose of being the best provider you can be rather than for the purpose of a good grade. With that, motivation comes from within (i.e you become motivated because of your future patients, rather than impressing someone with a good grade). The early emphasis on social determinants of health also helps train providers that appreciate the many layers that go into health and wellness. The faculty love to teach and when that is the case, learning becomes easy and fun!
What are your favorite things to do in Minnesota/Twin Cities area?
During the summer, the lakes are my happy place. The food and breweries are great, and I have recently been getting more into the local art scene (mostly the music).
What are three adjectives you would use to describe your classmates?
Helpful, Fun, Driven
What is one of your future goals as a physician?
One of my main goals is to be a teacher who can get students excited about the brain!!