Mental Health and Well-Being
A large percentage of graduate students and medical students struggle with mental health. A 2016 meta-analysis revealed that 27% of medical students report symptoms of depression or depressive symptoms (Rotenstein et al. 2016). A 2014 study reported that 7% of graduate students at a large southeastern university reported thoughts of suicide (Garcia-Williams et al. 2014). Often, these issues stem from the training itself--with high stress that leads to burnout, anxiety, or depression. Other times these feelings can come from other responsibilities, personal factors, or psychiatric disease.
If you are feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, or feel like you need help, please know that you are not alone.
The MSTP is a resource that is always open to you. MSTP leadership is available at any time for confidential discussions on matters of health and well-being. The MSTP faculty and staff, and your peers are also here to help.
We list here several professional resources that can help those of us needing assistance with mental health. They range from crisis care providers to mindfulness and stress reduction activities. They have been loosely organized below by urgency and level of commitment. Each resource is unlikely to meet everyone's needs, so we invite you to find the optimal combination for you.
The University of Minnesota Mental Health website has extensive information about campus resources and activities.
Please remember that you don't have to deal with mental health alone.
If you are in a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself, please use one of these emergency resources.
Boynton Urgent Mental Health Care
612-625-8475 (during business hours)
Boynton Crisis Connection counselors are available 24/7.
Call 612-301-4673
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call or text 988
Free and confidential. 24 hrs/day.
The Aurora Center 24-Hour Helpline
This hotline is particularly geared towards survivors of sexual assault.
RAINN National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
This hotline is particularly geared towards survivors of sexual assault.
National Eating Disorders Association
Behavorial Consultation Team
The University of Minnesota's Behavioral Consultation Team (BCT) is a team of staff from several departments across the University with administrative, psychological, academic and legal expertise. The team operates within FERPA/HIPAA requirements. Its goal is to provide a coordinated response to situations arising from students who may represent a threat of harm to themselves or others.
The following resources are categorized by the relative amount of commitment associated with them. Under "More Time Intensive," you'll find in-person, formal services. "Less Time Intensive" includes services that have drop-in or online resources that can be "one-and-done," if you so choose, or more extended. Under "Activities," we've included activities and events provided across the university aimed to reduce stress.
More time intensive:
Boynton Mental Health Services
4th floor, Boynton Health Service
410 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN, 55455
Boynton provides free mental health and psychiatric care to all students at the University of Minnesota. Both therapists and psychiatrists are available. If you are interested in therapy, you can set up a 20 minute consultation to help you decide what kind of therapy would work best for you. From there, you can go to individual, couples, or group therapy, or to services for medical treatment with a psychiatrist. A referral from a primary care physician can also give you access to therapy or services.
Student Counseling Services
340 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
612-624-3323 | [email protected]
For scheduling an appointment:
Student Counseling Services provides on-campus counseling and educational activities. They deal with mental health, career, and faculty-student communication concerns. If you would like to schedule a counseling appointment for the first time, you need to go to Appleby Hall in person. There, they will have you fill out some paperwork and you will have a 1 to 1.5 hour screening interview with a counselor. They'll help you figure out what services will work best for you from there.
The Aurora Center
Suite 117 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Business line: 612-626-2929
24-Hour Helpline: 612-626-9111
The Aurora Center is a campus-based service committed to helping people affiliated with the University of Minnesota with issues related to sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking. In addition to their 24-hour hotline, they provide advocacy, in person services, and legal support. All of their services are free and confidential.
Mental Illness Chemical Dependency Clinic
Suite F-275, 2nd Floor, West Building
2450 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Appointments: 612-273-8710
A specialty clinic provided by the Psychiatry Department at University of Minnesota Medical Campus. Evaluations are two hours and service patients with chemical dependency issues and a psychiatric diagnosis.
Less time intensive:
Boynton Health Services Online Therapy
4th floor, Boynton Health Services
410 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN, 55455
Online therapy can be initiated by contacting Boynton Health Services. This service is being provided for a limited time through the Department of Psychology as a research study, and is meant to be an alternative to in-person therapy. You are guided through a variety of tools with feedback from a trained supporter. A more detailed description can be found at the website listed above.
Confidential Peer Assistance Program (CPAP)
The Confidential Peer Assistance Program (CPAP) is an organization of University of Minnesota medical students who provide confidential, non-judgmental support to fellow students looking for assistance in coping with school and non-school related questions and stressors.
If you would like support, you can contact a student directly, attend weekly "Drop-In" hours, or send a question to the general CPAP contact email ([email protected]).
Medical Student Well-Being Committee
A wealth of information and tools regarding the 6 facets of well-being (Health, Relationships, Community, Environment, Security, Purpose). Additionally, the Committee offers wellness events throughout the academic year and an e-mail weekly wellbeing reflection survey to current medical students.
Boynton Stress Check-In
The Stress Check-In program is provided in the Boynton clinics to help students find resources and strategies to help manage stress. Each scheduled session is one hour long, and is one-on-one with a trained student volunteer. There are sessions geared specifically towards graduate students.
Online Mental Health Screening Assessment
The University of Minnesota offers an online screening assessment for depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and alcohol. This free screening is made available to all University of Minnesota students and is taken anonymously.
Disability Resource Center
180 McNamara Alumni Ctr
200 Oak Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612-626-1333 (V/TTY)
[email protected]
Student Access:
The Disability Resource Center works with students with all types of disability conditions (e.g. psychiatric and mental, physical, vision, hearing, systemic, or learning disabilities), to ensure equal learning and working opportunities at the University of Minnesota. If you have concerns that your health could interfere with your academic performance, you can contact them via email or phone, or you can go to the office during drop-in hours. You will meet with an access consultant who will help you develop reasonable accommodations if they are relevant to you. These will be written up in an accommodations letter that you can give to instructors, who will then work with you to meet your needs.
Learner Development – University of Minnesota Medical Education
A full range of academic services assists students in developing optimal learning and performance skills and strategies, such as time management, organizational skills, problem-solving, memorization and reading techniques, test-taking skills, etc.
Confidential-Bridging Counseling (CBC) Services
Confidential-Bridging Counseling (CBC) Services provides free and confidential in-house short-term counseling that can serve as a "bridge" of support. This could include processing a challenging experience or establishing care with mental health providers. The CBC counselor will make every effort to meet with students within a week of requesting an appointment. When needed, the CBC office strives to provide culturally-informed referrals to students who would like to continue wellbeing consultation outside of the CBC office.
Student Academic Success Services (SASS)
SASS is a University of Minnesota service that promotes academic success via online resources, workshops, and in-person services. Topics in their "5 Core Factors" include "Self Awareness" and "Life Balance."
University Recreation and Wellness
Exercise can be an extremely important factor in maintaining mental health. General workout areas and pools at the Rec Center are free to all students who pay the Student Services Fee. Some activities, such as the indoor rock climbing wall or equipment rental, cost extra, but everything is very reasonably priced. Details about special features such as classes, lessons, and outdoor equipment rental can be found on the University Recreation and Wellness website.
de-stress is a student-led health promotion group helping students manage stress and connect with mental health resources on campus.
Nutritional Health Consultations
Boynton's nutrition counseling philosophy is that motivation to create genuine, enduring change toward a healthy diet can only occur through an individualized, collaborative approach. Initial appointments are 60 minutes and follow-up appointments are 30 minutes.The information you receive at your appointment will depend on your questions.
Massage Therapy
Massage services include cranial sacral, injury rehabilitation, myofascial release, shiatsu, and sports massage.
PAWS: Pet Away Worry & Stress
The goal of the program is to be a stress-reducing outlet for the University community. Animal interactions have been demonstrated to positively affect blood pressure, heart rate and stress hormone levels in humans. Weekly PAWS sessions feature registered therapy animal teams—including dogs, bunnies, chickens, and other therapy animals like cats, miniature horses, Guinea pigs and fancy rats—that you are welcome to interact with and pet. Sessions are FREE and open to the University of Minnesota community.
Financial Wellness
Boynton Health offers free, confidential financial counseling through LSS Financial Counseling. All students, faculty and staff can meet with a certified financial counselor to create a financial action plan.
University of Minnesota Center for Spirituality & Healing
The Center for Spirituality and Healing promotes wellbeing on campus and in other institutions and communities. They provide a wide range of resources, ranging from information on their website to for-credit courses. Here are some of the many options:
- Taking Charge of your Health & Wellbeing
You can assess well-being, set goals, learn more, and find resources.
- Courses for Medical Students
The Center provides courses regarding Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, complementary therapies, and professional satisfaction.
- Stress Busters
These are classes that allow you to "Refresh and recharge yourself with an informal hour of meditation and light movement." No prior experience, special clothes, or registration necessary--you can just drop in on Tuesdays 12-1PM in 3rd Floor Meditation Space, Mayo Building
- Free Yoga and Tai Chi
Boynton offers free yoga and tai chi classes throughout the school year. Classes focus on stress management. Classes are no charge to students and staff.
- Wellscapes App
Series of stunning nature videos in silence or with any combination of music, nature sounds and gentle guiding. Available for iPhone or iPad.
- Upcoming Events and Lectures