Student Involvement
Student voices provide crucial feedback to faculty and administration through a variety of formal and informal means. Their feedback is an essential part of shaping the medical education experience and frequently leads to substantial improvements for their fellow classmates and for those students coming after them.
The following is a summary of just some of the ways student voices are integrated into the decision-making processes within the medical school.
Student Council: The Medical Student Council advances the interests and well-being of the Medical School and its students. It is composed of four representatives from each class and two representatives from the Duluth campus (one for each class). Additionally there are representatives from several student organizations. In addition to several of its own permanent committees, Student Council leaders sit on key medical school governance committees including the Medical School Education Committee and its subcommittees, responsible for the evaluation and improvement of the curriculum.
Course and DEI Threads Leads: The medical school strives to provide the highest quality experiences in its preclerkship courses through the Course and DEI Leads. Leads collect regular, timely course- and/or discipline-related feedback from student peers and relaying feedback to Course/Discipline Director(s) and the Curriculum Team. Leads also meet with Director(s) prior to the start of the course, attend mid- and end-of-semester meetings with the Curriculum Team, and participate in course close-out meeting(s) with Course/Discipline Director(s) and the Curriculum Team.
Admissions Committees: Students are elected or appointed voting members of the Duluth and Twin Cities MD and MD/PhD admissions sub-committees, mentor and interview applicants, and serve as student ambassadors. If you’re interested in participating in the Ambassador experience, complete an Ambassador sign-up form.
Houses Program: The Houses Program fosters community and connection between medical students and between students and the medical school. The Houses Program Steering Committee is headed by the House Leads, alongside administrative staff from the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Learner Development. The Committee meets on an ongoing basis to plan, support, and have oversight of House activities. If you have any questions related to House Leadership or getting involved, contact Scott Davenport, Director of Student Affairs, [email protected].
Career & Professional Development Advisory Board: The Advisory Board provides opportunities for students to directly impact career development initiatives. Students on the Advisory Board provide ongoing feedback on career development programming and services, facilitate Specialty Interest Group Summits linking TC and DU leaders, and plan the school’s Career Fair.